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    Tuesday November 22nd 2005
    Prelude 5:42 am-
    Categories Bad Hotel Permalink Permalink
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    I’ve come up with some new ideas on how to get a raise out of these asshole at the hotel. It was really thanks to this last bit of “management” from the Sheriff. I’m getting the idea that the guy doesn’t want to work the third shift. Either he doesn’t know how to do the audit or he’s not mad about the third shift. Now of course being the front desk manager he certainly knows how to do the audit right?

    So if the other lady can’t/won’t work and the supposed front desk manager won’t/can’t work the natural solution is to have me work? Shit I can’t even get a vacation, does this guy really think I’m going to cooperate and fill in for shifts that are not mine? Let make it really simple for you. I work Sunday to Thursday. That is it. I only ask for one day off every year. I don’t ask for raises. I just expect that I get my one day off with no problems. I also expect that I’m allowed to use this vacation time I’m supposedly given.

    So here it is. The idea. I’m willing to work extra days for a raise. I’ll come in when I’m not scheduled for more money. In fact if they really expect me to give them two weeks notice for when I quit (maybe one day) they need to give me a raise. And I want back pay all the way to the last time I got a raise. Those are the terms of my proposal. Not that it really matters. But so were clear I won’t work anything other than Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I don’t work on Friday or Saturday. The Sheriff can be a dick and schedule me on those day. But I will not come in.

    Monday the 28th if I’m scheduled after I’ve asked for this day off I’ll be disappointed. Even though I have stated previously that I would be off that day whether I was scheduled or not I will come into work if he does not give me my day off. I just want it made clear that there will be no favors. I will not help out in any way when asked. Vague threats that mean nothing to no one but me I’m sure. But when the day comes and the Sheriff needs an extra hand he can forget it.

    This is just a prelude to things to come. I’m not going to talk more about it here. I’ve set myself up for disappointment before and I won’t do it again. I’m pretty much committed to getting fired or getting a new job. The hotel can keep me. But they will have to pay through the nose to get me to be a team player. What are the odds I can get fired again on the 28th? Honestly the time has come. My time and place with this hotel has come and gone. Those fools can continue to destroy the hotel, they will just have to do it without me.

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