After dealing with such a colossal asshole yesterday morning I was in the mood to kill. So I went and bought Quake 4 to fulfill my thirst for blood. I was even able to score the Special DVD Edition of the game that comes with Quake 2 and both of it’s expansion packs. Since it’s using the Doom 3 engine the first thing I did after installing the game was find myself a good tweak page. I ended up just using the same site that made Doom 3 playable for me. UpsetChaps Quake4 Guide‘s Framerate and Visual Tweaks made the game really run better than I had hoped. And so far I think it’s a great game. Here are some screen shots:
As you can see from these shots it is a dark game. But it is no where near as dark as Doom 3. Quake 4 retains that futuristic metallic look of the second game. It’s a hell of a lot of fun killing Stroggs again. If you enjoyed Quake 2 I would say this is a must have.