Things now are more or less back to normal once again. Just a few minor hiccups are left to fix. You may notice that WordPress is not powering this site any longer. It was once of the causalities of the recent problems my host experienced. It is a nice system there’s no doubt of that. It just doesn’t fit my personal attitude of what it does. It’s frequent use of the term blog for one is something that annoyed me. So it’s back to Coranto for me.
Other than that it does a lot of things that Coranto either can’t do at all or needs an addon to function. RSS feeds, trackbacks, pingbacks, just to name a few. But when it really comes down to it these are things I don’t really need. I can live without them. Plus the whole WordPress community is a bunch of snobs. Honestly they just are not my kind of people. I’m used to the people over at the Coranto Forums. When you have a problem some one will at least reply to the forum post. I tried that with WordPress and I didn’t get any help at all.
M Wax h yl c
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