The change over is pretty much done. I have successfully imported all of my news database in from Coranto and now just need to edit out the references to the old system. Plus of course all the pages on the site that were not handled by Coranto that I need to add to this new system. I’ve also for the most part been able to recreate the “old” look of my website after a few false starts. It’s a mockery of WordPress’s beautiful blend of valid xhtml and css that the other themes use.
Which brings me to some of the new features one can find here now. First of all you can register so you can be able to comment on the posts. Not that you have to really register as of yet thanks to the addition of a plugin called Spam Karma. Which I am testing out at this time. It mat prove to be too eager in it’s duty of fighting spam. But I’m willing to give it a shot. You also may notice a few other changes in my site because of some of the neat features of WordPress such as the calender, theme switcher and the before mentioned comments system to name a few. Give it a shot and test it out for me and let me know if anything you post that is not spam gets eaten up by the spam blocker.
Not much else to say really. Still no word on what the deal is with the position of the front desk manager. I’m starting to think that I’m no longer interested in the job. The temp gm’s one week to let me know is up and I consider the offer over as of now. They want me it’s going to cost them even more now. I don’t jump through hoops for anyone, especially these unprofessional fucks that run the hotel.