I swear that one of these days I will write about the new Star Wars movie. Until that day I must burden you with more bullshit from the hotel. When I last wrote I had been given a half assed offer of becoming the front desk manager. Now I guess it was expected that I go running in to see these assholes to accept their so generous offer of which no details were given to me about. If you mistook me for someone who’s going to just jump through hoops because of your obviously desperate need to fill the position?
No you will find that kind of person I’m sure. And that kind of person I’ve talked about before. What kind of person am I referring to? Well lets see. I’m talking about the kind of young foolish inexperienced person that’s going to accept this job they are offering for a salary that is just not worth the 50 hours they demand a manager works. I’m talking about the kind of ambitious fool who just doesn’t have the god damn common sense to know to stay away from this sinking ship.
You also have to honestly look at how they have slowly dropped their expectations of the quality of the person to fill the position. They couldn’t even afford to pay someone who has worked in the hotel business for more than a decade and been the fdm of the hotel before. So what do you honestly think they will pay someone who has next to no experience in this kind of job? The biggest thing to keep in mind about this job offer is this promise of bigger and better in 90 days. I hope you can get that in writing.
I guess what I’m trying to say is I feel sorry for the poor fool they dupe into taking the job. Whomever takes the job has a rough time ahead of them. But I guess sometimes the only way a person can learn is by the hard way. I know they have a hard time ahead of them because they won’t find any help in me. I don’t train the person that is supposed to be my manager. Call it a silly thing. I expect the manager to know what they need to know when they take the job. That’s why they are the manager. And me I’ll continue to just be an auditor.