The impossible has happened. Something that never entered my head as a possibility. I’m still in a state of disbelief with a side of paranoia. It’s just all kind of funny. After years of working at the hotel they finally ask me (no applying, no resume) to be front desk manager. And I’m still in that whoa phase.
Of course in defense of my big talking in the past I would like to point out I did laugh in the temp gm’s face when he said it. It was just a very weird moment. The gm comes up to the desk and starts his usual banter and he shakes my fucking hand. Which I would like to point out I’m not a big fan of shaking hands.
After the hand shaking he asks me how things are going (And what the fuck is it with these kinds of people that always got to shake your hand? Do they get off on touching others or something?). I respond the same way I have the last few times he’s asked me this. The place is falling apart. It’s chaos here at the desk. The place needs a manager to give these desk clerks focus. What else can I say? It’s all hunky dory?
And my recollection becomes a blur. Somehow he slips in the question of me becoming front desk manager. Time slowed. I ask him are you offering me the job? I restated my lack of desire to apply for the job. No it’s yours if you want it he says. Which at this point I’m laughing again. Just how desperate have they become that they offer me the job?
In less than five minutes time money is mentioned and something about a certain number of days to get used to it or something. It all flew past me faster than I could digest the information. And I’m left with a number of questions. How much money? How many hours do I work? How long will I last before they fire me? Have they gone completely insane? Those kinds of questions.
I would like to take this time to thank the old lady in sales who has been talking me up to this gm guy. It’s nice that someone in the hotel management believes in me. But it makes me wonder if they really understand what kind of monster they would inviting into their little management circle?
I can honestly say that in my opinion the majority of managers at the hotel are a bunch of goldbricking candy asses who don’t have the slightest idea on how to manage. The majority is made up of a bunch of corporate shills that know how to do nothing other than ass kiss. Am I making my feelings clear here? I get in there I want to only do my job. I don’t want to be friends with the other managers. I don’t want to be friends with the owner. And I will not kiss any ass. I just don’t see how this could possibly end very well.