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    Friday April 15th 2005
    Hotel News 1:18 am-
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    It’s funny I wasn’t going to comment on one of todays subjects just because it’s one of those things that seems like a joke by now. But the other bit of news I do want to comment on sort of ties it all together and I figured what the hell.

    The Front Desk Manager is quiting. And calling him that is just me giving him the respect that these asshole at the hotel couldn’t seem to find the time to do themselves. Won’t pay the guy and won’t give him a title. But they expect him to do the work. The FDM finally had enough of that bullshit and gave them a weeks notice. And one weeks notice was him being very generous. I would have gave them the finger and walked out a long time ago.

    Now while I’m sorry to see him go, I’m happy he’s not going to let the hotel fuck him in the ass anymore. And that’s really how I saw it. These assholes can’t even pay him what a front desk manager makes let alone give him a meaningless title of fdm. He made less than me for Christ’s sake. They just figured he’s young and he will take whatever bullshit that falls out of managements collective mouths as they spew their lies at him. I say good for you! You will be missed man.

    The second shift front desk clerk asked/stated that I would be asked to take the job of front desk manager. I just want to make sure it’s clear to everyone reading that if these people ask me to become the front desk manager at best I’ll politely laugh in their faces. The worst case scenario is of course I’ll end up laughing so hard in their faces they all get sprayed with my spit as I do my best to keep from imploding from the laughter I will end up generating. Honestly you people don’t have enough money to get me to do that job. So don’t waste mine and your oxygen by asking. Not that they will ask.

    Now that second bit of news, the one I did want to comment on. The current (now ex) GM is no more. It’s honestly getting silly now. Management here could probably be consider endangered species. I’m sorry to say that I do not have any heart felt words on the departure of this gm. Let me simply say that taking the hotels lifespan and history into consideration this GM will not be missed. You won’t even be a footnote in the hotels history book. Sorry for your trouble and better luck next time! And to this new GM all I can say is don’t use any American colloquialism if you don’t understand just how fucking stupid one can sound when they don’t use certain terms and ideas correctly.

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    One Response to ''Hotel News''
    Turk says:
    April 15th, 2005 at 1:40 pm

    Keep in stride that I took a “promotion” at work and hate myself for it.
    And didn’t get a raise.

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