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    « Previous
    Wednesday March 23rd 2005
    Fuck The Rules 6:29 am-
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    So once again I’m going start bitching about the hotel. I want to touch on a few things. The hotel has rules. Now rules are great. Rules keep people from doing what they are not supposed to do. Now I freely admit that I do not follow certain rules. But I take this weird attitude that if others can break the rules then so can I.

    Today for example some two employees call in. They want me to tell the morning bellman to punch them in. So I told them no. But of course they call back and ask to talk to the bellman. And of course the bellman is nice guy and he does this for them.

    Now last time I checked this was one of those things that was against the rules. As I said there are rules I break, but there are some I don’t break. For example I don’t say room numbers out load and I won’t give a key to anyone other than the person registered to the room (with proper id). These things are just some of those things that I consider are major no no’s. I also consider punching in for others a no can do.

    And the rule book seems to back me up. Take a look at the bottom of page four:

    Punching in a time card for anyone other than yourself will result in termination of employment.

    But it appears as long as your a manager it’s ok to break rules. I say this only because one of these two employees was a manager and they said it was ok. Which I don’t quite see as being fair. Now I’m sure that if I was to call in one night I was supposed to work and I asked for someone to punch me in it would be wrong right? Or do I take a lesson form this manager and decide that this rule is no longer valid.

    That’s how I read it of course. Because if these people are too lazy (or short of time) to come punch in themselves then it must be ok to do it. So tonight I’m going to log into World of Warcraft right after I call the hotel telling them to punch me in. I’ll putz around for about twenty minutes and then come in. I can’t get in trouble right? Because it seems to be ok when the Engineering Manager does it.

    But in the end I’ll get in trouble of course. Because I’m not an ass kissing suck up. Not only will I get in trouble but the poor front desk clerk I’ll dupe into doing it will get in trouble. Doesn’t exactly seem fair does it? But that’s just the way it is here at the hotel. The rules are ignored by the management at their convenience. And fuck the little guy if they try to do it. Remember people it’s not important that you do your job well. What’s important is how well you can kiss ass. If you can do that the world is your oyster.

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    5 Responses to ''Fuck The Rules''
    Turk says:
    March 24th, 2005 at 2:02 am

    I don’t suppose there is anyone higher up in the chain of command that you could report them to?

    Turk says:
    March 24th, 2005 at 11:50 am

    if he does, its probably likely that the person he’s reporting will make his life hell.

    Turk says:
    March 24th, 2005 at 12:16 pm

    If he were to tell someone higher up they probably wouldn’t do anything anyway. You can’t trust most people there to do the right thing.

    Turk says:
    March 24th, 2005 at 10:17 pm

    The biggest problem I have with narking on these people is this. Look at that supposed rule:

    Punching in a time card for anyone other than yourself will result in termination of employment.

    If they do take action. It won’t be the two lazy asshole who gets hurt. It will be the nice guy bellman who does what he can to please everybody. And that doesn’t seem fair now does it?

    Turk says:
    March 25th, 2005 at 1:28 am

    Well then, I guess I’d try to convince the bellman that being nice could lose him his job. Other than that, there isn’t much you can do about it.

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