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    Tuesday February 15th 2005
    Hotel News 4:33 am-
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    I’m going to start sounding like a broken record here. But it’s something that just pisses me off and I have to write about it. The computer problems continues at the hotel. All of the advice I have offered to those in charge has been ignored. Congratulations I say. Because of the incompetence of the hotel management the computers here are swarmed with all of the kinds of shit one would not want to have. And I’m only looking at the spyware end of things. God only knows what kinds of nasty viruses we have.

    I’ve been told recently that the gm here considers himself a kind of guy that knows a thing or two about computers. I can’t help but laugh at this. If allowing your business computers to infested by shit equals knowing a lot about computers then I guess I don’t know shit about computers. And just for example lets take a look at one of the little bits of spyware that was found on one of the work computers.


    This particular bit of software is called Virtual Bouncer. While this is not something high risk, it is a nuisance to say the least. Symantec says:

    VirtualBouncer masquerades as a legitimate Spyware remover but sets itself to run when you start the computer and remain memory-resident. When it is running, the software will periodically attempt to contact its author’s servers to download updates and instructions.

    Some versions we have seen will nag the user, using pop-up advertisements in Internet Explorer, to purchase an upgrade to Virtual Bouncer, by telling him/her that their system is at risk.

    This adware program must be manually installed. However, there are several known programs that have Adware.VirtualBouncer within them and that install it as the program itself is installed.

    Now this just proves that people here are dumb as bricks. This thing is manually installed. It means that someone got the pop up and clicked yes. Which just makes me feel like I’m really weird because I don’t fall for this kind of bullshit. This one bit of spyware is a perfect example of the state these work computers are in. And it comes back to this gm and his expert knowledge of the way computers work. In fact I would question this gm’s entire career in the hotel business based on this obvious lack of fucking common sense on the way this gm handles the computers at work.

    I have seen a lot of these general managers come and go in my decade or so of working at the hotel. And on the topic of this current one let me just say one thing. The current gm is no Shawn Kennedy, I’ll tell you that. A lot of the claims put forth by this current gm can only be found in a certain kind of guy. Shawn Kennedy was one of these guys. I would see that guy all the time. Nights or mornings it didn’t matter. The current guy I have seen once or twice. And the claims of working in every department and working ones way up the ladder? Again this Shawn Kennedy is the only gm I have ever met that one can say they can do every job in the hotel.

    The quality of the management can only reflect the quality of the hotel. Which just goes to show what a sorry state of affairs the place is in. And who else can you blame? I don’t think the blame can be aimed at the peons. I think at some point these fucks need to admit they have no clue at what they are doing. Or at least admit they don’t give a shit. Because that’s the way I see it. It’s sad really how far this hotel has fallen. It’s sad to see it continue to fall. And I feel sorry for those employees who never worked here back in the old days. It was a different time and place. But that time and that place is long gone.

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    8 Responses to ''Hotel News''
    Turk says:
    February 18th, 2005 at 12:39 am

    my mother routinely installs similar programs that consume so much ram that she can’t run freecell and calls us for help.

    Turk says:
    February 18th, 2005 at 1:30 am

    I guess I’m lucky. I have a quality manager, and he if don’t know what the hell he is doing, he will say it. We also have very good computer hardware/software. My former GM was bad though. Hence, she is my former GM.

    Turk says:
    February 19th, 2005 at 2:30 am

    I feel pretty lucky too!
    My managers dont know anything about computer but they are willing to admit that fact and listen to any and pretty much all suggestions that i have given them. We now have have our pcs protected with both anti-virus and anti-spyware programs and we have a firewall system for our pcs that are now connected to the net. They were smart enough here to not try and put the server online which makes me happy. I am liking working for a non-chain hotel its deffinately having its perks. :-)

    Now if we could only hire some quality front desk staff i would be in heaven!! God it makes my audit so much harder when they keep hiring idiots. ill have to make the newest one cry and quit if she doesnt get her act together soon.
    Well gotta go pretend i actually do work while im here catch ya all sooon…..

    Turk says:
    March 2nd, 2005 at 2:42 pm

    I stumbled upon this site in a search for occupational jokes. I am very shocked that you people actually take time to complain via an obscure site like this about your GM. Here is a thought why are you not the GM then ? Probably because you are not qualified. Thus rendering you not qualified to jugde your GM. Also any half way decent hotel chain has computer software that far exceeds any knowledge you may have. Use your time wisely stop bitching about other people and get a new job. I am sure your GM is not up nights thinking about you. PS your attitude does not belong in the service industry try something new. Fast food comes to mind.

    Turk says:
    March 2nd, 2005 at 3:24 pm

    Ahh this should be good one.

    Turk says:
    March 4th, 2005 at 2:03 am

    PS your attitude does not belong in the service industry try something new. Fast food comes to mind.

    Funny, I always assumed fast food was part of the service industry…

    Turk says:
    March 4th, 2005 at 8:54 am

    I stumbled upon this site in a search for occupational jokes.

    First let me welcome you to my humble site. I would have responded earlier but was under the weather.

    I am very shocked that you people actually take time to complain via an obscure site like this about your GM.

    I am very shocked that you actually take time to complain via an obscure site like this about people who actually take time to complain via an obscure site like this about their GM.

    And for the record comfortsuites22 (troll) the op (original poster, this case being me) was complaining about my GM. I kinda write what I want. Seeing how it is my obscure site.

    Here is a thought why are you not the GM then ? Probably because you are not qualified. Thus rendering you not qualified to jugde your GM.

    I’ve been a GM. I’ve worked for a good GM. I think I’m qualified to judge my current GM. I think you need to first be able to spell judge to be able to use the word.

    Also any half way decent hotel chain has computer software that far exceeds any knowledge you may have.

    The keywords here are any half way decent hotel chain ok? And believe me my left nut’s knowledge on computers far exceeds any knowledge these incompetent bunch of fucks that are hotel management at my hotel may have.

    Use your time wisely stop bitching about other people and get a new job.

    Believe me when I’m not bitching about other people I use my time at work to find a new job. Hello http://www.monster.com/

    I am sure your GM is not up nights thinking about you.

    You are both incredibly right and wrong at the same time. One I work third asshole. I up at night. The GM sleeps at night. So I’m sure he’s not thinking about me at night.

    PS your attitude does not belong in the service industry try something new. Fast food comes to mind.

    BNZ beat me to it damn it:

    Funny, I always assumed fast food was part of the service industry…

    Turk says:
    March 9th, 2005 at 11:54 pm

    I stumbled upon this site in a search for occupational jokes.

    Now that you’re here….

    The pleasure is yours “

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