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    Friday February 4th 2005
    No Smooth Jazz 2:08 am-
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    Jesus I tell you I had hoped that this shit would have been fixed. I’m still having problems with the “great” WinPM and the folks who do tech support for them. The newest twist is that when you call now it just fucking rings and rings. Which makes me think I was harsh on the whole Smooth Jazz thing now. I miss that reassuring stream of jazz blasting through the phone as I sit here in front of the computer twiddling my dick.

    So anyway I have the same basic problem as last time. Except I don’t think I really can blame those guys at MSI. I think (and this is just a hunch) that the server has some problems. Someone here has hooked it up to the internet. And I think everyone knows what that means. If theses retards here are using the server to get on the internet I may as well consider that pc a lost cause. That thing probably has more spyware and viruses than I even want to think about. Just the fact that our subscription to the McAfee VirusScan has expired is a sure sign we have some problems here.

    With MSI’s phone support not answering my only option for help is using there Online Support Form. Which is really cool and all. But I’m not that reassured with the response I get after hitting submit:

    Thank you. You will hear from us within 24 hours.

    24 hours? I’m gone in 5 hours buddy. Thankfully it turns out the response time is faster than what they say. I of course didn’t really expect it to take 24 hours for them to call back. And of course I don’t really care how long it takes to fix this mess. Because at 7:00 am I’m going home. I don’t give two shits if the audit is done or not. I’m only here for as long as they schedule me. Well for as long as it takes for first shift to get their lazy asses in here.

    In the end I do got to say that the people at MSI’s tech support are on the ball. At least when you can get through to them. The guy tonight had my shit fixed in under a hour. So once again I would have to say all the problems are on the hotel shoulders. Which is bad for the hotel. MSI charges 88 bucks an hour to fix spyware and virus problems. Which I think is the only way these guys here are going to learn. But sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

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    9 Responses to ''No Smooth Jazz''
    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 3:17 am

    /spits on managment. dirty bastards, don’t they know how spyware screws up my ability to surf porn when i’m at work!!!

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 3:28 am

    Turk’s Rule Number 1: No Porn. Not at work at least.

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 3:59 am

    Here is my question that kind of goes with this item. Why in the hell is a night auditor supposed to be able to fix any pc problem that comes up?? Now i know a lot of fellow auditors and yes most of us are all very computer literate, but i dont get paid to be a network tech so why keep asking me??? GRRRR For instance i work at a private owned property with no major connections to any chain and at our lovely hotel the decision was made that all computers should be equipped with access to the internet. Great for me!! Now one of our front desk terminals has spyware on it that even i would have trouble killing if i so chose to kill it. Now i use yahoo messanger and several other programs on my terminal but i also hide all my files using magic folders (managment couldnt find my files even if they knew they existed….LOL). Now i have been bugged for the last week to please fix terminal one because it is bogging down and even our pms is running slow. I have had to refuse although im kind of glad that they think i know the answer to every pc related problem. Heres my thing, our hotel has no antivirus, no spyware detection tools (well except for my terminal), and a few employees who dont get the concept that these are WORK computers and not for menial websurfing (excluding audit of course) so why should i spend my oh so valuble time to fix something that could only get worse the next time one of our so skilled front desk agents or managers uses the terminal to go online? Your so right i shouldnt!! What is my point you ask? well i guess i dont really have one but what kind of auditor would i be if i couldnt bitch about work?? have a great night all!!

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 4:18 am

    Here is my question that kind of goes with this item. Why in the hell is a night auditor supposed to be able to fix any pc problem that comes up??

    This is an easy one. I don’t fix the problems at the hotel. I keep the computer I use clean and in a good running condition. And thats it. No more no less. They ask me for help (they don’t because they know now) I tell them I can’t help them as it’s not part of my job description. It really is as simple as that.

    Now i use yahoo messanger and several other programs on my terminal but i also hide all my files using magic folders (managment couldnt find my files even if they knew they existed….LOL).

    I go one step further form hiding the folders. I remove the items from the registry so they can’t uninstall the programs I put on the pc. If they want to get rid of shit I put on the computer they have to delete the folder. And good luck finding it.

    Heres my thing, our hotel has no antivirus, no spyware detection tools (well except for my terminal), and a few employees who dont get the concept that these are WORK computers and not for menial websurfing (excluding audit of course) so why should i spend my oh so valuble time to fix something that could only get worse the next time one of our so skilled front desk agents or managers uses the terminal to go online?

    Don’t fix it. You do it once and they will keep asking you to do it. Eventually something beyond you skill and knowledge will go wrong and they will hang you out to dry because it was “your fault” the shit is all fucked up.

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 4:28 am

    I’m the auditor/unofficial tech guy at my hotel too. I have no problem with fixing things that are either insanely easy or affect me personally. Otherwise I point to the tech support number taped to the phone. If they paid me as much as they paid them, then I’d probably help, but for my meager wage, I’ll only do so much.

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 4:38 am

    Amen BNZ!

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 5:50 pm

    I have one question – is this smooth jazz like Kenny G, or just quiet melodic “cool” jazz from the bebop era? You best not be knockin’ my boy Miles….

    …insert empty threat here…

    Turk says:
    February 4th, 2005 at 10:14 pm

    If your talking about Mr Davis believe me I’m not bad mouthing him.

    Turk says:
    February 8th, 2005 at 11:49 am

    Does sailor moon count as porn? even a little?

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