My site turns seven today. As I pondered last year I’m not always certain that my site maybe a dubious achievement. Because I ofter wonder what has the site brought me? And the unfortunate answer is that it played a part in getting me fired. So should this be an occasion to celebrate?
For me to answer this question you have to look at what my goals were for this site. When I first decided to start writing about the hotel that employed me, my honest intentions for this site was for it to become a hub of sorts for all employees of hotels to find a safe place to discuss (and bitch about) their work environment. A place that anyone could use. A place for all levels of hierarchy to feel free to rant and rave just so they could blow off some steam. And in that respect the site has failed miserably. I do now and then attract a stray night auditor in the forums. But not many tend to stick around. I understand maybe people are afraid. I guess that’s the only thing I see as what stops people from sticking around.
Of course I do happen to have the honor of also hosting the forums and website for a Dark Age of Camelot guild called the Acolytes of Destruction. I’m happy to say the guild has been around for a number of years. We even recently branched out into the game World of Warcraft. So to a certain degree my original idea is not a total failure. The site has become a gathering place for some like minded individuals. It’ just that the target audience I was shooting for didn’t turn out to be my target audience. Which I guess isn’t a bad thing.
One last thing that does baffle me. While I don’t particularly like the terms blog or diary, this is what my site has become. It’s really what it always has been. Every now and then I attempt to make the site a little more known by signing up for places that keep track of this sort of thing. For example in early march I submitted my site to a place called the Diarist.Net Registry. And for a brief time I was indeed listed. Now I happened to to take a look earlier this month to see if I was still there and to my surprise I was not listed any longer in this registry. The requirements as found on their Submit your site page states:
This registry is specifically for online diaries, journals, and personal weblogs. Please do not submit commercial sites, generic personal sites (i.e. poetry, pictures of your dog, etc.), or topical or link-only (non-journal) weblogs.
And I’m pretty sure my site could be considered as an online diary or a journal and quite possibly a personal weblog. And I’m also pretty sure this site isn’t a commercial site as I don’t make a sent doing it. Neither is this a place to find poetry or pictures of my dog. So I just wonder why my site isn’t listed in their so called registry. So maybe I thought because it was that I write about my job. But a search shows there are many sites listed that do cover a persons line of work. Which makes me wonder just why I’m not listed? I find it all funny of course. It’s just something that baffles me.
Maybe someone read my post and took offense to it. Which in the end it doesn’t really bother me all that much. It’s more of a curiosity really. And maybe if and when this site hits the decade mark I’ll have earned the right to be listed with all of these other diaries, journals, and personal weblogs.
Happy birthday to your site!
I’d like to say “thank you” for having this webpage. I wouldn’t give up on the hotel crews just yet. With tens of thousands of hotels out there in the country, and everyone using the internet, I imagine they’ll be along shortly.
Also, even though is a great place to bitch, it’s also a great spot for people like myself to come up with positive thoughts or to meet like minded people.
Give it time and you’ll reap the rewards!
Again, thanks for starting up this site!
Thanks Psycho. I really haven’t made much of an effort to get the site out there. This post alone I think has brought a lot of new people in. And like I said I’ve always imagined that this site would become a community. And it has to a certain degree. A very odd community made up of people who play computer games and people who work in hotels. I never imagined that my site would even get that far to be honest.
Eventually I would like to open up the main page with guest posts from others from the site who would feel like they have something to say. But I’m not certain how to go about handling this kind of idea. It’s something I’ll look at as we continue to grow.
But as it is I’m glad things are picking up. Every new Auditor that joins makes me think it is working. Eventually as the hotel end of the site picks up I would like to expand the forums into other areas of hotel departments. A front desk forum, a hotel restaurant forum, and even a place for managers to come and try to convert us into good employees forum.
One thing at a time though.