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    Wednesday August 25th 2004
    Back In Camelot 1:03 am-
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    Well I have returned to the game Dark Age of Camelot. And don’t think for a second that I’m forgetting about World of Warcraft. It’s just that I’ve grown to used to the company of all the people in the guild I’m in. Playing WoW without them is just boring. So I decided last week that I would reactivate my account and start playing again. And it appears this was a good time to get back into the game. A huge patch just came out today that make some of the more painful parts of Camelot a little less painful. Which is good because I don’t like pain.

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    I also picked up my first artifact tonight thanks to some help from my friends. It’s called the Harpy’s Feather Cloak. That’s the good news. The bad news is that I got to find three scrolls to activate the damn thing. And on top of that once activated I have to level the artifact for it to get more special abilities. I just can’t wait.

    But I’m happy to have something to do again in the game. For a long time my only goal was getting 50. And afterwords I felt like I no longer had a purpose in the game. Which was my own fault for wanting to hit 50 so bad. I still have all kinds of things to do. Like try out this new frontiers that I hear such bad things about. And of course I will continue to preach WoW to all the guildies.

    Views: 878
    Friday August 27th 2004
    WoW Stress Test Beta! 2:57 am-
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    Want to play World of Warcraft? Didn’t get accepted into the beta yet? Or maybe you never signed up for the beta? Well here is your chance:

    In order to evaluate World of Warcraft‘s account-creation process and server performance under heavy loads, Blizzard will be conducting a seven-day stress test beta in the days ahead. This test will require over 100,000 players to download the World of Warcraft stress test beta client, create an account, and log on to play when the test goes live!

    To make the client available for download to such a large audience, we have partnered with FilePlanet, GameSpy’s Web-based file-delivery service. Click here to learn more about the World of Warcraft stress test beta and to sign up for a chance to participate in this special event.

    Head over to this forum post for more info and to find a FAQ on this FilePlanet stress test.

    Views: 1,178
    Tuesday August 31st 2004
    This And That 2:13 am-
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    There was another front desk meeting today. It went pretty good. None of the meetings the young front desk manager runs are that bad really. It was funny that she no longer uses the phrase “get on/off the bus” anymore. I would like to think that the lack of this phrase form her spiel could be thanks to me and Gawain’s combined efforts.

    A topic that was brought up is this mythical management company that runs the show for the owner. Now I think of these people in the same way one does of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Because all I ever hear from others are these supposed sightings of these people. I have never seen one myself, so I’ll just go on believing that these management people are the stuff of legend. All though I would like to try to capture one. You know for the sake of science. Learn about their mating habits, their culture, and anything else that will help mankind understand these creatures that manage the hotel.

    And look who has a website now. And if you want to torture yourself before viewing the “content” of this site take a look at their horrendous intro page. Whomever designed this site most be ashamed of their work because there is no clear indication on who is responsible for getting the hotel on the net. And let me just say that I had nothing to do with that site. I happen to be very against these intro type pages. I myself hate that kind of shit. I want to get to the content, not listen to some shitty flash intro.

    And what’s even funnier is the fact whomever made this site didn’t take an effort to get some new images of the hotel. I can see quite a few images taken directly from a Holiday Inn era brochure on at least two pages. And as it happens Troy is in two if those pictures. I don’t think he will be to happy to see his image associated with this hotel.

    Views: 1,114
    Friday September 3rd 2004
    WoW Stress Test Stress! 1:46 am-
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    The World of Warcraft stress test beta is live and running. I had many worries about playing during this stress test. Some of these worries were put to rest. Some of them are just annoying.

    I assumed that there would be one server. I could just imagine the lag on this one server in my mind. Thankfully there are quite a few servers to chose from. Both the normal and PvP servers are choices. Also I swear that performance on these stress test servers are much better than on the closed beta servers. I was getting over 100 fps on the stress test server I joined. On the beta server I get around 30-50 fps. Maybe Blizzard tweaked some stuff here and the next time I log in on the closed beta server it will be all good.

    Now my biggest worry and something that just annoys the shit out of me is all of the god damn newbs playing this game. It’s just fucking chaos on this stress test server. The newb area is swarming with people. It’s standing room only around all of the mob camps. And the majority of these people must have never played a mmorpg before. Because their fucking clueless. All of the questions that fly by on the main chat channel are crazy. Where my trainer? Where is this? Where is that? Open your eyes and look around for christ sake.

    And don’t get me wrong. I don’t claim to be a power gamer at all. But I don’t have a problem exploring around an area looking for shit. And sure you can say I’m in the closed beta and I already know all this shit. But I looked around and explored when I first got into the game on the closed beta. And World of Warcraft makes all of this stuff so easy. There is no reason a player has to be that lazy.

    The funniest thing even with all of the people in the starting areas the game is still fun as hell. So far two of my fellow Dark Age of Camelot guildies are playing. With any luck we will have a guild going tomorrow. It’s only ten silver to get a guild charter and I feel that can be done by tomorrow. The problem will being getting enough people to sign the thing. I suspect I will be playing all day today. But what the hell I got nothing better to do.

    Views: 1,167
    Monday September 6th 2004
    My First Instance 11:33 am-
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    So I made it into my first instance of a dungeon today in World of Warcraft. I had logged into the closed beta server just to sell some stuff from the last time I played there. And it was just luck that a group was going into the Deadmines in Westfall to go after Van Cleaf. This is a big deal because you need one full group at the least to take on all the elite mobs in there. We passed through the shimmering blue portal and did really good until we met up with a goblin shredder.

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    The screen shots kind of speak for themselves in this case. One by one the party of two (levels 20 and 22) warrior and one (level 29) rogue met their doom and the sharp whirling blades of the goblin shredder. We never did make it to this Van Cleaf guy and it’s probably best. I think Van Cleaf and his men would have handed us our asses faster than the goblin shredder did. All in all it was a fun experience. Even though I died and took a exp loss (in the negative no less). I did manage to get a lot of nice loot that I will sell or send in the mail to my alts.

    Views: 1,161
    Tuesday September 14th 2004
    Trek On DVD 2:12 am-
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    So I’m happy as fuck now that original Star Trek is out on dvd in season sets. I picked up the Season One set at Walmart because those greedy fucks at Best Buy were selling it for ten bucks more. It was 96 plus tax at Walmart. Which next to buying it online this was the best price I could find. And the box it comes in is pretty damn neat.

    It’s great to be able to watch Kirk, McCoy, and Spock on dvd anytime I want to. I didn’t realize how many great episodes were in the first season. My all time favorite episode This Side of Paradise was in the first season I was happy to find out. It was this episode that really made me dig Captain Kirk. Kirk was so dedicated to his ship and crew that he would fight off this effect of total peace and tranquility the spores gave him. And then go on to try to piss off Spock just to snap him out of it.

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    Lots of good stuff on this set. To many to go on about. So if you like the original series you have to go buy this. Seasons two and three will be coming out soon on dvd as well. And then when I have them all I will be a happy camper.

    Views: 1,249
    Sunday September 26th 2004
    Han Shoots Last 4:35 pm-
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    That fucking Lucas. Han still doesn’t shoot first.

    Han Shoots Last

    By the way there is a new poll running over there down on the right side of this page. The question being What is the best Star Wars Movie?

    What is the best Star Wars Movie?

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