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    Friday November 12th 2004
    I Hate It Here! 12:21 am-
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    Ah November, a month that means so much to me. On one had this is the month I celebrate the day that I got fired from the hotel I now work at again. And on the other hand this month is very special for all of the games that come out. Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and World of Warcraft. Theres not enough time in the day for all of this gaming goodness.

    I’m thinking I need to take some of my vacation time this month. Maybe to coincide with WoW’s release. A week in the lands of Azeroth sounds very relaxing to me. Of course alternating my time equally with the Master Chief and Mr. Freeman. It sounds like one of the better vacations I have had in a long time. It’s time like this I’m glad that work lets us have vacation time.

    And speaking of work. I hate it here. It’s getting worse everyday. For example the one piece of technology that I rely on the most, The time clock. You probably have one were you work. It’s the greatest isn’t it? This wonderful machine that keeps track of all the hours you work so that when payday comes you can roll around naked in all the money you earned. Well the one at the hotel is dying. It takes ten fucking minutes to punch in. And I’m not asking for a lot here.

    And I have heard stories that the accounting department is so fucking stupid they don’t know how to read the shit at the bottom of the time card you write in. The little money I make is the only thing that keeps me happy at that place. That and quiting time. God damn I love when it’s time to go home. But all of this is under jeopardy because of this shitty time clock. I mean how bad does the hotel suck they can’t fix this one thing that is so important to every real employee they have?

    Views: 975
    On this day...
    One Response to ''I Hate It Here!''
    Turk says:
    November 15th, 2004 at 11:28 pm

    Ya i understand that thing sucks. And you are right about accounting office not knowing a fucking thing about pay roll. I was told the G.M. is the main man for our pay roll so if he doesn’t check the time cards (witch he doesn’t) we wouldn’t know either way. This is way every one needs to copy there time card otherwise they will try to screw you over. On another note. when you celebrate your day of joy from the hotel we should go out and have a beer our 2. its the employee thing to do. Well as long as were all still here. :-)

    And don’t forget those good words of wisdom. “War” is not dying for your country its making the other BASTARD die for his”

    talk to ya later big guy

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