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    Monday October 11th 2004
    Want To Be My Boss? 4:52 am-
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    There are a lot of rumors going around about who will become the new front desk manager. Of course it just seems like yesterday I was talking about how we had a nice and new front desk manager. But as it goes that nice young lady decided that there are some things more important than working at a third rate hotel franchise. And it really is to bad. Because this lady was one of the better and nicest front desk managers we have had in a long time.

    Now I have heard how one ex employee wants to apply for this open position. I’ve written about this topic before and I hate having to repeat myself. The current management will not hire from within the hotel. I know they like to claim otherwise on that subject. But it’s all lies. The last couple of times they hired from outside the hotel. This isn’t going to change. It’s been like this for a long time, with a rare exception now and then.

    It’s unfortunate that of all the people that should apply for the front desk manager job probably won’t. And that’s because the experience the last time left such an impression on her I don’t think there is a enough money in the world to get her back. But then I really don’t blame her. For the pay it’s not worth it. The front desk manager is expected to work 50 hours a week. And that’s not including manager on duty shifts. Plus the fact that these poor bastards are salary doesn’t help.

    No I feel sorry for whoever they get to fill the position. I don’t think some of these people that want the job realize what it is they will be getting into. And don’t get me wrong. I have a certain amount of respect for them. Just for the fact that I know that it’s not something I can do. I’ve tried it and failed. So anyone who can deal with that kind of bullshit deserves a little respect. But the problem is depending on who is hired the mess they will be coming into. Because depending on who it is, there is a good chance that this future front desk manager is going to have bite off more than she can chew. But you got to learn the hard way sometimes, if you can learn at all.

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