It appears it once again is my duty to be a groomsman in another wedding. In the last ten years it seems like I’ve either been in the wedding or attended a wedding more times than I can remember. Troy’s wedding being the last one I had to serve in as a groomsman. It got to the point I said no more of this shit. I was determined the next time I went to a wedding it would be my own.
But this time it’s different. I can’t say no to this guy. The guy getting married is/was my mentor at the hotel back in the day. Of the little band of hotel people it was me and him left yet to tie the knot. And this guy finally caught a break and met a nice girl. I even kidded with him a few weeks earlier about if he had enough people for his groomsmen. I told him how I just didn’t want to have to do that shit again.
And the truth of the matter it would be a honor. Shit if I am just the guy who opens doors and shit it would be good enough for me. It’s nice to see the guy happy. It’s nice to see he met a nice girl. It gives a guy hope.
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