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    Thursday July 1st 2004
    This And That 5:33 am-
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    Months are breezing by and another June is done and gone for this year. I got to say this June has been pretty good. One thing in June I was looking forward to was Spider-Man 2. It opened yesterday and for the first time in I don’t know how many sci-fi/comic book movies I did not see it opening night. Generally me and Troy go and see these flicks and make his wife go see them with us.

    Every time we drag Bob to see one of our dumb sci-fi/comic movies I just feel for her sometimes. And we have made her see some dogs. Both of them are quick to point out the movies I’ve been responsible for. Tank Girl being the number one bad movie I’ve made them go see. No matter what we see now I always hear “It wasn’t as bad as Tank Girl” if the movie sucked.

    Looking back on it there are a lot of bad movies under our belt. I’ve been keeping the ticket stubs for the flicks I go to for the last four or five years now. It all started because Whenever we talked about what movies we had seen we could never remember the names of them. It’s because a lot of the movies the last few years have sucked really bad. Now lot’s of you won’t admit or just don’t know any better.

    Here is a perfect example of what I call a bad movie for you. The King Arthur movie produced by that rat bastard Jerry Bruckheimer. This one just oozes suckiness. I don’t think I could stomach watching the trailer for this piece of shit one more time without having to vomit. I can’t wait to to see the Bruckheimer classic scene where the heroes of the movie walk onto camera side by side in a heroic manner. I can just see it in my head. Fuck Bruckheimer and Fuck his King Arthur movie. I got two words for you people ok? Fucking Excalibur, ok?

    Troy called the other day and told me Wednesday didn’t look good for going and seeing it. He said Friday and I agreed. Now I had every intention to go see it without him yesterday. It’s supposed to be good. So good people are calling it the Empire Strikes Back of the Spider-Man movies. Now to me that means it really god damned good. I’ll be disappointed if it isn’t.

    Spider-Man just always felt close to home to me. Here was this guy who wasn’t popular and he didn’t get the girls. And wham one radioactive spider later he’s a superhero. But the cool thing is Peter Parker’s problems didn’t go away after he became Spidey. He worried about making money, he still was unpopular, and he still had bad luck with the ladies. The guy just seemed almost like a normal guy except he had the proportional strength of a spider and could stick to walls and of course those awesome web shooters. And who can forget that with great power comes great responsibility?

    Anyway I never did go see Spider-Man 2 yesterday. Something much better than Spider-Man came up. And while Spider-Man is one of my favorites I just guess there are some things more important. I can wait till Friday to see it. If it is as good as everybody says it will be worth the wait. I’ll find out Friday night if it is good as they say.

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