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    Friday June 25th 2004
    Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow 2:10 am-
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    It’s funny that you get used to a way a person looks. I’m really bad about this kind of thing. I look at life through comic book goggles. Every body is supposed to stay the same. A persons appearance doesn’t change drastically. Sometimes of course change is good. With any luck I’ll have more than a few changes in the not to distant future.

    But my best friend Troy changed. And it’s something I kid him about. If you take a look at the picture below you will see (from left to right) Me, Bob (Troy’s wife), and Troy. Mind you that this was taken a long time ago.

    Old Stuff

    I look the same. I haven’t changed much in a long time. Bob of course is a woman. And being like a woman she changes her hair often, from the length to the color of her hair. But that’s cool because it is a chick thing. Just as long as I’m not expected to notice a drastic difference. Now Troy has talked about shaving his head a few times. I’ve always laughed and never expected him to do it.

    You see I’ll let you in on a secret. I’ve always thought of Troy as one of those mythical heroes. He’s got to be you know? He has been and always will be there for me. I’ve been nursed through so many stupid things I thought were so terrible at the time by him. I can’t even think how many times he’s helped me through the loves of my life and the tragedy I thought it was then. And he never has let me down even when it was over silly matters of the heart. even more so he’s never let anyone down. He is the greatest guy I know.

    So it’s only natural for me to think of him just like poor old Sampson. In fact I’ve always thought that just maybe his hair was his source of power, just like Sampson. So I guess I’m getting superstitious in my old age maybe. It’s got to be it. I just worry I may need his wisdom again one of these days. But I know he won’t fail me. It’s not in his character.

    And seriously man I dig the new do.

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