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    Tuesday June 22nd 2004
    Warhammer Axed 2:01 am-
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    Poor Gawain this just isn’t his year for games. First Mythica gets the axe and now Warhammer is dead. Below is the note found at the games webpage:

    It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to inform the community that we have decided to discontinue the development of Warhammer Online and will be closing down this website with immediate effect.

    This has been a difficult and painful decision but it was taken following a following a full review of the progress of the game, costs to date and future costs of the project. As a result both Games Workshop and Climax Development Limited, the computer games developer, have agreed to terminate the development project.

    I would like to say a personal thanks to all of the people who have followed our development over the last few years, your constant support and enthusiasm has meant a great deal to us.

    Robin Dews

    And here are four screens showing a game that could have been:

    One Two
    Three Four

    It really is to bad the game got the axe. Read through their faq and see what you could have been playing.

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    2 Responses to ''Warhammer Axed''
    Turk says:
    June 22nd, 2004 at 3:27 pm

    Haha, so glad bad games arent coming out, we got to many as it is.

    Turk says:
    May 19th, 2005 at 2:49 am

    Holy Crap:


    FAIRFAX, VA – MAY 18, 2005 – Mythic Entertainment, developer and publisher of massively-multiplayer online role-playing games including “Dark Age of Camelot” and the upcoming “Imperator,” today announced that they have secured the exclusive worldwide rights to create massively multiplayer online games for PC and console set in the fantasy world of Warhammer, created by Nottingham, UK-based Games Workshop Group PLC. The first game based upon the dark, medieval world of Warhammer will be released on PC in 2007.

    “I have always been a big fan of Games Workshop and Warhammer and I am thrilled that we are now able to work on one of the world’s greatest and most enduring fantasy gaming brands,” said Mark Jacobs, CEO and president of Mythic Entertainment, Inc. “Our goal for this first of what we hope will be many Warhammer-based games is to create the single-greatest RvR-based MMORPG in the industry.”

    “Warhammer fans around the world can be assured that our new partnership with Mythic, a company with fantastic credentials in delivering great online games, will result in a truly compelling online experience,” said Andy Jones, CEO of Games Workshop’s Entertainment and Media Division. “We are really looking forward to working closely with people who share our passion both for the world of Warhammer and for making games of the highest quality.”

    That was a surprise.

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