Well the new front desk manager is gone. Quit from what the grapevine has told me. Over issues that more or less involved actually working. Which is silly. If your hired on to do a job, do the job. In all fairness this front desk manager was not at all qualified. The three years of experience this person had in the hotel business made me laugh and often the remark “my left nut has more hotel experience than this person” would slip out of my mouth.
Now would come the part when I add a very touching and funny anecdote about just how great this last front desk manager really was. But alas I can’t muster any kind of legitimate fake sentiment to say. The rumor of wanting and relishing the thought of firing me still leaves a foul taste in my mouth when I think of this front desk manager.
Now we sit and wait to see what new terror the management will unleash on the hotel. It’s so sad that a place that used to have nearly competent managers has fallen so far. It’s to the point now I imagine they will take anyone off the street when it comes to filling the position. More likely they will just throw the job on to some poor bastard already at the hotel and make them do the job with no raise and no title. All I can say is it won’t be me.
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