I have to wait to change my slogan to “the website that got a man fired twice and can do the same for you”, perhaps one of these days. So apparently the firing was bullshit concocted by a guy who had been recently fired from the hotel as well. Which to a certain degree I can understand having been fired once myself from the place.
The question is why would the dude lie to me. I did nothing to him. Everything that happened was the result of events or action on his part. And yeah I feel sorry for the guy that he got fired. But having been there myself I know that when you get fired it’s usually because you did something wrong. Maybe you run and write things in a website or you keep a journal calling your boss Hitler at the workplace, either way when it comes down to it it’s your own damn fault for getting fired.
Of course there is another possibility. That the dude wasn’t lying to me and that my boss was. I don’t know this front desk manager well enough to determine if she was telling the truth or not. Which it doesn’t matter to me. The idea of getting fired just doesn’t hold the same amount of terror it used to. Life goes on. My only gripe is that if your going to fire a guy make sure you have a valid reason for doing so. And for Christ sake tell the person that their doing something wrong. One can’t fix something if they don’t know the shit is broken.
And getting back to the possibility of the guy dicking with me. You would think that the guy would show me a little respect. I still have over 292 kb’s of very nasty material that I’m sure he wouldn’t want floating out on the net. Think before you try to fuck with someone next time man when they got shit on you.