So it appears the hotel has plans to fire me again. I’m surprised and at the same time I have been waiting for this to happen. Here is the im log from my “source” that warns me of my impending firing:
[01:38] Ex Hotel Guy: wanna hear something fucked up?
[01:38] Turk: sure
[01:39] Ex Hotel Guy: i was told by <Name Removed> that they wanted to fire you
[01:39] Turk: I’m sure they do
[01:39] Ex Hotel Guy: they are going to
[01:40] Turk: let them
[01:40] Ex Hotel Guy: you haven’t written anything on your website lately
[01:40] Turk: nothing to say
[01:41] Turk: did my boss say why they want to fire me?
[01:42] Ex Hotel Guy: no, but she was really excited about it?
[01:42] Turk: was she?
[01:43] Ex Hotel Guy: yeah she said she can’t wait to fire you
[01:43] Turk: heh
[01:43] Turk: I’m sure she can’t
[01:45] Turk: personally I’ve been waiting for this
[01:45] Turk: and have prepared
[01:45] Ex Hotel Guy: did you hear why they fired me?
[01:46] Turk: no
[01:46] Turk: don’t care either
[01:46] Turk: got my own problems to worry about man
[01:46] Turk: plan of attack and all that
[01:46] Ex Hotel Guy: what problems do have
[01:46] Turk: getting fired?
[01:47] Turk: that’s a problem
[01:47] Turk: they better have a good reason
[01:47] Ex Hotel Guy: how are they going to fire you if there is nobody to replace you?
[01:47] Turk: little different this time
[01:47] Turk: well see that’s going to be <Name Removed>s problem
[01:47] Turk: here in a few weeks
[01:48] Ex Hotel Guy: why
[01:48] Turk: it’s a surprise
[01:48] Ex Hotel Guy: damn
It seems my appointment to see the lawyer in June has come at a good time. If this is true it’s good to know in advance. I can plan ahead. I can get ready to start emailing all the press type people that like to cover this kind of story. And there are lot’s of things I can say to the press that would be interesting reading to anyone who has stayed or thinks about staying at this hotel. Practices that most people have no idea go on. Things a lot of local business would love to hear because it would convince them to take their money elsewhere.
Of course this is all hearsay. My “source” and his motives for telling me this are suspect. It’s not like me and the guy are good buddies. In fact he has no reason to warn me of anything. I’m the reason his hours got cut after all that x-mas bullshit. Which of course could be the perfect motive to tell me bad news. It don’t matter why he told me. I’ll find out tomorrow night when I ask my boss if she plans on firing me.