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    Thursday April 1st 2004
    April Fool, Not Here 12:23 am-
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    Traditionally on the first of April one writes up some bullshit make believe crap that is never true. I stopped even trying to do this kind of post as my imagination just can’t do this kind of thing. My ideas for an April Fool’s Day gag are all morbid, revolving around some kind of personal tragedy of some sort. And in the end I think only myself would be amused by that kind of thing.

    The first idea that pops to my mind when this day springs around is the “I died” kind of post. I would either have my best friend post it, or just post it in his name as him. And start out with:

    It is my unfortunate responsibility to inform the viewers of this website that Turk has passed away.

    Which again, I find this rather amusing. Just to be able to see the reactions that come in (if any). I’m morbid enough to want to have a practice funeral. Just to see what kinds of things people would say about me. And I would be just as amused by the negative comments as the good.

    The next idea is one that would take to much work to pull off. And I’m always tempted to start early on this one. The idea is to come out with an announcement that reveals that this entire website and content it contains are fiction. Say some kind of college theses kind of deal, one that studies the effects of an online community. I think the reactions (if any) would be worth the work alone. But thank god I’m to damn lazy to do anything creative like that.

    Of course there is the work can go fuck off and I quit kind of angle. But that really doesn’t hold any merit in being something creative and interesting. It’s a boring topic and I for one get sick of writing about the hotel. They don’t really read the site in mass enough to get any worthy reaction.

    But then as I said, I’m just no good at this kind of thing. Or I’m just to damn lazy to take the effort to do the work to make it a believable April Fool’s Day gag. So instead I write about the what ifs and maybes. Which in itself is a gag.

    Br bPJe dtLh Yh
    Views: 753
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