Farcry the fps designed by german developers Crytek has been keeping my attention from any other pc game. These guys may be fresh in your memory because they were raided by german police for supposed use of pirated software. Other than that you probably never heard of these guys. Well that’s not true, you may remember them for their Nvidia tech demo called X-Isle which became Farcry.
The above screen shots don’t do the games graphics engine justice. They were all I had at the moment. This game has amazing graphics, if your system can handle it. Storywise it’s the same old thing. Lame b movie plot that gets you trapped on an island with a shitload of bad guys that you more or less have to take on all by yourself.
And this is a great game to debate with Gawain about. As it is a 3d accelerated game that really offers nothing new. Yet it is lots of fun to play. The homicidal maniac in me loves the carnage one creates in this game. And the shear size of the landmass your on is perfect for the sniper rifle.
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