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    Wednesday February 18th 2004
    Benchmarks 12:33 am-
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    I got my new video card the other day. After installing the card I of course fired up Camelot to see how it ran. This is my first Radeon card and I was a little worried. But it ran fine. The next thing I did was benchmark my new pc with 3DMark 2001. I’ve always been very anal about benchmarking my computer whenever I got a new video card or piece of hardware that improved my pc. Here is the 3DMark results of my old pc that I made when I got my GeForce 3. This result is a look at my old pc and the new pc (using the GeForce FX 5200 in both). And finally here are the benchmarks of the new pc with the Radeon 9600 XT.

    So far the new pc is doing better than I had hoped. I’ve installed and ran every 3d accelerated game I got that gave the old pc trouble. The list which includes Morrowind and Soldier of Fortune 2. And they both run like a dream now. I also downloaded and installed the Unreal Tournament 2004 and Painkiller demos. Both games performed great even with all the settings turned up. I’m looking forward to playing all the games that would never play on the old pc.

    On a side note about the video card I got from Newegg.com. It did not include the coupon for a free copy of Half Life 2. The retail box I got was a lite version and it only came with the card, the driver disc, and a cable to hook my tv up to it. So if you followed my link to buy the vid card from a few posts ago consider yourself warned.

    Views: 1,205
    Tuesday February 24th 2004
    Chatting 4:22 am-
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    What do I do to get these weird chats with people? The last time this happened it was some young asl chick. This time it was some wannabe webhost, who you got to give props to for either being that much of a newb or a guy who has very big balls:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Tue Feb 24 03:36:33 2004
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: Hello Are you there?
    [03:36] Turk: yeah
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: do you have a server
    [03:37] Turk: web server?
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: yes
    [03:37] Turk: yeah
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: and can you host people
    [03:37] Turk: yeah if I want to
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: so do you want to host people now
    [03:38] Turk: no, not really
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:38] Turk: I’m not in the hosting business
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I’m <name removed>
    [03:38] Turk: I host a few sites for friends and that’s about it
    [03:38] Turk: <name removed>?
    [03:39] Wannabe Webhost: yeah. from phpbb.com/phpBB
    [03:39] Turk: I’m sorry I don’t know you
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I run a hosting company which is closed because I closed it
    [03:40] Turk: sorry to hear that
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. and I need a very good host to host my company. would you do it
    [03:41] Turk: nope but these people will be more than happy to help you http://www.pascomwebhosting.com/
    [03:41] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I need free good hosting
    [03:41] Turk: can’t help you I’m afraid
    [03:42] Wannabe Webhost: why. please can you host me… if you host other sites you can host me
    [03:43] Turk: One, as I said the sites I host are friends. Two, I’m running out of webspace
    [03:43] Turk: so you will have to look elsewhere. I’m sorry
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: and how much webspace do you have
    [03:44] Turk: 750 megs total and I’m down to less than 50 megs now
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: oh.
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: and can you install cpanel
    [03:45] Turk: no
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:45] Turk: that’s something my host does
    [03:46] Turk: I run a website not a hosting company
    [03:46] Turk: what kind of site will you have?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting company
    [03:47] Turk: you said a company, what you selling?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting
    [03:47] Turk: you want me to host your webhosting company?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: yes. i will be very grateful
    [03:48] Turk: and am I supposed to host all of the people that sign up for your web hosting?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes. or maybe no
    [03:48] Turk: yeah, you new to this kind of thing?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes.
    [03:49] Turk: so will you be selling this space from your hosting company?
    [03:49] Wannabe Webhost: what space
    [03:49] Turk: your going to be a webhost, are you charging for the webspace you host?
    [03:50] Wannabe Webhost: maybe. maybe not.. I’m thinking of having paid and free hosting
    [03:51] Turk: Again I say no to you then. My webhost is a nice guy and he wouldn’t like it very much if I gave out space to someone who in turn will sell it out for his own profit
    [03:51] Turk: it was nice talking to you though, good luck on your company

    Do I have a sign name that says easy mark or something? Does the name Turk scream out to you all as the name of a guy who is stupid and easily duped into things? This is why I’m always tempted to only allow people on my buddy list access to talking to me. Not that I’m a super popular guy or anything.

    I did pimp my webhost. Pas-Com Web-Hosting has to be the single best webhost on the internet. I don’t just say that because I’m late paying for the month. They really are awesome and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a cheap (yet very good) webhost.

    Views: 1,285
    Wednesday February 25th 2004
    Games & Stories 5:22 am-
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    Here is something that echo’s what HumanDebris touched on a little in his last post. I’ll take the basic idea of what he was getting at and tell my take on it. I’m only going to cover the specific genre of computer games, as that is the only kind of games I play right now. Gameplay and Stories. Do they co-exist or is one more important than the other? First I’ll let one of Doom’s creator’s have his say (from this article):

    “Story in a game,” says John Carmack of Id Software, “is like story in a porn movie. It’s expected to be there, but it’s not that important.”…

    Now personally just like with the quote above the story of a game is just something secondary to my experience playing a game. Of course it really depends on the type of game.

    Recently I started to replay Soldier Of Fortune 2. And I found myself very irritated I couldn’t skip the little movies that setup the level in the game. Granted this game is a first person shooter and like Carmack said it’s not that important. FPS are games that just don’t need stories. Because when you come right down to those games core gameplay all you have is killing shit and finding keys and toggling switches. Take for example Half Life. This was a first person shooter that had a real story to it. And don’t get me wrong it is a great game. But honestly what do you do in it? You kill shit and find keys or toggle switches.

    And after first person shooters we come to the real time strategy games. Once again I find that the story of a rts game is secondary for me. Again at it’s core it’s about killing shit and building bases, units, and harvesting resources. Now all of this can be done without a story getting in the way. That’s why these games are so popular to play online. I doubt if you get on Battle.net and play a game of Starcraft that your opponent is going to give two shits about the story going on in the game. He’s going to zerg your ass and make fun of you if you lose. The story doesn’t matter. It’s secondary to the gameplay.

    That’s why you don’t hardly see co-op online multi-play as an option with these two types of games. When is the last time you ran through a fps co-op? When is the last time you played a rts game co-op through the single player campaign? In fact that’s why developers don’t bother with co-op im most of these games. Take Halo for example. On the X-Box it had a kick ass co-op mode. It was fun to play along with someone in the single player game. But does the Halo pc version have co-op? No. Because the developers knew it would be a waste of time. Can you even think of a rts or fps pc game that had online co-op play? I can’t. Especially fps games. Because once again it’s just not something that is needed. Story in a fps? Who needs it. Story in a rts? If you must.

    Which brings me to role playing games. Online or off. It’s rpg’s that I even care if the story is good. But it’s because of the nature of these games that I care about the story being good. Because lets be honest here. The grind of these types of games needs a story to keep you from quiting. The grind is the constant treadmill you run as you kill things and do quests to get experience to level yourself up. That’s why I have such a hard time keeping myself going in Dark Age of Camelot. The story in that game is transparent. It just is fluff for the realm versus realm portion of gameplay. Which in Camelot is just a more advanced form of a first person shooter when it comes down to it.

    Gameplay is more important than a good solid story. I don’t even care if the game has all the fancy 3d accelerated nonsense going on. Sure it looks nice, but to me 3d graphics are like the story of a game. It’s secondary to the gameplay. Of course this can’t apply to all of these games. While the Infocom text based games had both decent stories and gameplay that worked, I can’t see a fps being done as a text based game. Rpg’s work as text only games. But that’s again because of the gameplay behind that genre. Theres something about stats and percentages that just don’t need to be graphically accelerated to enjoy. So when it comes right down to it, gameplay is king for me. Story and even fancy 3d graphics are just secondary.

    Views: 1,550
    Thursday February 26th 2004
    So You Want To Be A Manager? 2:16 am-
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    It’s a question that one time or another every employee thinks to themselves. I know I have in the past. I’ve thought to myself back in the old days “if these stupid fucks can do it, I can”, of course the option to become management never became something I had to worry about in the old days. But it is a question that a person asks themselves, even if they will not admit it.

    Everyone wants to be in charge. Especially when your young and ambitious. It’s just the way it is. The problem of course is if you get rejected. Or even worse if your not even ever asked. I spent a lot of time being angry because I was never even asked to become a front desk manager. But as one ages and loses that fire that pushes you ahead you find out getting angry and spending time worrying about it just isn’t worth it. Sometimes it’s better not being a boss. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. My adventure in that la la land was more trouble than it was worth. It’s a lot simpler just being a peon. The pay you get just isn’t worth the all the shit you have to deal with.

    And for someone to want to be a manager at the current hotel I work at is sheer folly. If your asked to become a manager at that place don’t walk away. Run! Run like your life depended on it. Of course the current staff at the hotel doesn’t have anything to worry about. There’s only one person at the front desk qualified to be front desk manager if the present one quits and they won’t ask him. And no I’m not talking about me.

    The thing that I’m concerned about is that some people at the hotel are thinking about all this. Do your job and just put all the thought of becoming boss behind you. It won’t happen anyway. They didn’t ask anyone at the desk to be management before the new front desk manager came in. And they won’t ask when the new front desk manager leaves. And I would stop acting like a boss.

    And while I’m on this subject. I don’t appreciate hearing from a co-worker about how I’m making mistakes at work, only to find out it was just a fucking desk clerk that was saying this. It’s not your fucking job to critique me. You would think that a person would have enough sense to worry about themselves. The situation can get a lot worse at the hotel. So concentrate on yourself and let the correct people to do the management.

    Views: 1,129
    Friday February 27th 2004
    Polygons Are Evil? 12:57 am-
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    Back to the topic of “video” games. Gawain has his own ideas and I don’t disagree with his overall point. But I do disagree with what he’s forgetting to say. Here is a sample from his post:

    The reason is very simple. Like popular music, video games are now tailored to the lowest common denominator. The same people who think Fred Durst is cool also really really like polygons and lens flares and as many high quality particle effects in their video games as possible. And like all of Limp’s music, these games start off really great on the outside, and then go straight to shit when you realize that all they have is “outside.”

    While the above could be very well true there is one thing he forgets to bring up. Why are the developers making these kinds of 3d over accelerated games? Other than the fact that the general game buying audience want’s that kind of drivel. I think the developers of these games are lazy. It’s to easy to have the 3d accelerated graphics be the star of the game.

    Now I don’t think all of the game developers are like that. I would have to point you to the guys at Bethesda who have a game called Morrowind. You can’t say Morrowind is a cookie cutter 3d accelerated game. It’s a work of art and it has all the gameplay you would need. And I can think of a few other games that have 3d graphics and good gameplay. Granted there aren’t a huge number of them that I could list, so maybe Gawain is right when it comes right down to it.

    I still think he’s overly harsh on Warcraft 3. I like that game and have to disagree on all the issues he has with the game. Of course I could be basing my judgment of Warcraft 3 by my wanting of World of Warcraft. I also have high hopes that WoW will fix all the issue he mentions about Dark Age of Camelot. We just have to wait for the game to come out to see if it fixes the treadmill problems of all other mmorpgs and I think it will.

    Views: 1,006
    Chatting 2 5:31 am-
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    After iming me every day since the initial conversation the kid finally got on my nerves:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Fri Feb 27 04:52:25 2004
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: hi
    [04:52] Turk: hi
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: can you host my forum
    [04:53] Turk: no
    [04:53] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [04:54] Turk: have you even been to my site/forum?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it and what is the link
    [04:54] Turk: so you don’t even know my url?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it
    [04:55] Turk: you just picked me off the phpBB forum list?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: nope.
    [04:55] Turk: so how did you get my aim name?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: phpbb forums
    [04:55] Turk: just at random?
    [04:56] Turk: or have you bugged others as well?
    [04:56] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I didn’t
    [04:56] Turk: so I’m special then
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: I will block you if you say something else bad
    [04:57] Turk: I’m not trying to be mean
    [04:57] Turk: you imed me
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: ok. so tell me… can you host my forum
    [04:57] Turk: no
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: why????
    [04:57] Turk: because I said no
    [04:58] Turk: I think blocking is a good idea
    [05:02] Wannabe Webhost: ok
    [05:02] Turk: Hotelblues.com is my site, learn about someone before you try to con them
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: you put a conversation of me in your update
    [05:04] Turk: yeah
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: why?
    [05:05] Turk: do I have to explain everything to you?
    [05:05] Turk: how old are you?
    [05:05] Wannabe Webhost: 11. and you are an idiot
    [05:05] Turk: yes that could be
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: you are AN IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I agree
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: sure am
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I’m an idiot?
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: and delete my conversation
    [05:06] Turk: no
    [05:07] Wannabe Webhost: ok. diiiif
    [05:07] Turk: huh?
    [05:08] Turk: remember I’m an idiot
    [05:08] Wannabe Webhost: I’m blocking you **** idiot
    [05:08] Turk: ok
    [05:08] Turk: bye

    All this is making think about toggling that setting in Trillian that only let’s people on my list im me. Oh and I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t let this get me mad, but it does. I’m getting to old to have to deal with a 11 year olds shit. He’s blocking me? Jeez that is ironic.

    Views: 975
    Ding 50 9:30 pm-
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    Well after 32 days, 18 hours, and 14 minutes of total played time in Dark Age of Camelot I finally dinged 50. I’ll update my little picture later (it still says 49) because I’m still playing. I oddly enough feel pretty happy for finally dinging. I guess I should be happy. Anyway now all I can say is “bring on World of Warcraft!”

    Ding 50

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