It’s a question that one time or another every employee thinks to themselves. I know I have in the past. I’ve thought to myself back in the old days “if these stupid fucks can do it, I can”, of course the option to become management never became something I had to worry about in the old days. But it is a question that a person asks themselves, even if they will not admit it.
Everyone wants to be in charge. Especially when your young and ambitious. It’s just the way it is. The problem of course is if you get rejected. Or even worse if your not even ever asked. I spent a lot of time being angry because I was never even asked to become a front desk manager. But as one ages and loses that fire that pushes you ahead you find out getting angry and spending time worrying about it just isn’t worth it. Sometimes it’s better not being a boss. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. My adventure in that la la land was more trouble than it was worth. It’s a lot simpler just being a peon. The pay you get just isn’t worth the all the shit you have to deal with.
And for someone to want to be a manager at the current hotel I work at is sheer folly. If your asked to become a manager at that place don’t walk away. Run! Run like your life depended on it. Of course the current staff at the hotel doesn’t have anything to worry about. There’s only one person at the front desk qualified to be front desk manager if the present one quits and they won’t ask him. And no I’m not talking about me.
The thing that I’m concerned about is that some people at the hotel are thinking about all this. Do your job and just put all the thought of becoming boss behind you. It won’t happen anyway. They didn’t ask anyone at the desk to be management before the new front desk manager came in. And they won’t ask when the new front desk manager leaves. And I would stop acting like a boss.
And while I’m on this subject. I don’t appreciate hearing from a co-worker about how I’m making mistakes at work, only to find out it was just a fucking desk clerk that was saying this. It’s not your fucking job to critique me. You would think that a person would have enough sense to worry about themselves. The situation can get a lot worse at the hotel. So concentrate on yourself and let the correct people to do the management.
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