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    Tuesday February 24th 2004
    Chatting 4:22 am-
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    What do I do to get these weird chats with people? The last time this happened it was some young asl chick. This time it was some wannabe webhost, who you got to give props to for either being that much of a newb or a guy who has very big balls:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Tue Feb 24 03:36:33 2004
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: Hello Are you there?
    [03:36] Turk: yeah
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: do you have a server
    [03:37] Turk: web server?
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: yes
    [03:37] Turk: yeah
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: and can you host people
    [03:37] Turk: yeah if I want to
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: so do you want to host people now
    [03:38] Turk: no, not really
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:38] Turk: I’m not in the hosting business
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I’m <name removed>
    [03:38] Turk: I host a few sites for friends and that’s about it
    [03:38] Turk: <name removed>?
    [03:39] Wannabe Webhost: yeah. from phpbb.com/phpBB
    [03:39] Turk: I’m sorry I don’t know you
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I run a hosting company which is closed because I closed it
    [03:40] Turk: sorry to hear that
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. and I need a very good host to host my company. would you do it
    [03:41] Turk: nope but these people will be more than happy to help you http://www.pascomwebhosting.com/
    [03:41] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I need free good hosting
    [03:41] Turk: can’t help you I’m afraid
    [03:42] Wannabe Webhost: why. please can you host me… if you host other sites you can host me
    [03:43] Turk: One, as I said the sites I host are friends. Two, I’m running out of webspace
    [03:43] Turk: so you will have to look elsewhere. I’m sorry
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: and how much webspace do you have
    [03:44] Turk: 750 megs total and I’m down to less than 50 megs now
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: oh.
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: and can you install cpanel
    [03:45] Turk: no
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:45] Turk: that’s something my host does
    [03:46] Turk: I run a website not a hosting company
    [03:46] Turk: what kind of site will you have?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting company
    [03:47] Turk: you said a company, what you selling?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting
    [03:47] Turk: you want me to host your webhosting company?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: yes. i will be very grateful
    [03:48] Turk: and am I supposed to host all of the people that sign up for your web hosting?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes. or maybe no
    [03:48] Turk: yeah, you new to this kind of thing?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes.
    [03:49] Turk: so will you be selling this space from your hosting company?
    [03:49] Wannabe Webhost: what space
    [03:49] Turk: your going to be a webhost, are you charging for the webspace you host?
    [03:50] Wannabe Webhost: maybe. maybe not.. I’m thinking of having paid and free hosting
    [03:51] Turk: Again I say no to you then. My webhost is a nice guy and he wouldn’t like it very much if I gave out space to someone who in turn will sell it out for his own profit
    [03:51] Turk: it was nice talking to you though, good luck on your company

    Do I have a sign name that says easy mark or something? Does the name Turk scream out to you all as the name of a guy who is stupid and easily duped into things? This is why I’m always tempted to only allow people on my buddy list access to talking to me. Not that I’m a super popular guy or anything.

    I did pimp my webhost. Pas-Com Web-Hosting has to be the single best webhost on the internet. I don’t just say that because I’m late paying for the month. They really are awesome and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a cheap (yet very good) webhost.

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