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  • Monday February 9th 2004
    Me And My New PC 1:50 am-
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    So my new pc is up and running. But as it is with me and anything I do it wasn’t a pain free experience. I had lots of minor difficulties in the beginning. Getting the heat sink/fan onto the processor was a chore. I was afraid I had destroyed the chip as hard as it was getting the fan on it.

    The other problem (and this is a major thing) was that the case I got is a kind of pre modded deal. It has the window on the side and these really neat drop down cdrom covers, that are supposed to hide the cd drives when not in use. You can kind of see it in this picture. The problem was that I destroyed my neat cd/dvd combo drive trying to force the thing into the case.

    After I had just about got to the point of saying fuck it, I checked out the case manufactures website. In there FAQ they have this bit of information:

    Drop-Down Doors: This case comes with 2 front drop-down doors. To install your CD-Rom/CD-R/DVD drives to these doors, you can either take the doors off and install your drives direct from the front panel(most of you won’t be so lucky). If this doesn’t work for your drives, then you need to take the front panel off (you need to unscrew the screws from the back of the front panel), install the drives to the case, then put the front panel back(80% of you may have to do it this way). These drop-down doors won’t work for 100% of the drives out in the market. Since some drives may not follow the universal drive size, sometimes you need to take out the small door of your drive to make it work. If all your attempts do not work, then you will not be able to take advantage of these drop down door.

    Now the statement “These drop-down doors won’t work for 100% of the drives out in the market” is just the kind of thing that makes me wonder what the fuck they were thinking in selling am item like this. Because where I went to school when you say 100% that means all of the items in question. So not a single drive will fit in this case that takes advantage of these drop down doors. Or I just maybe a ignorant fool.

    But overall I am happy with my new system. I had a little trouble getting the processor to be recognized by the os. But after reading the mobo manual for a bit I saw what I had to do. I’m happy to report that the second Dark Age of Camelot expansion runs like a dream. I’m going through all of my games to find the ones my old pc had problems running. Just to see how good my new system is.

    Now all I need is a router, a monitor, and a new desk and I’ll be all set. Oh yeah and a new cd/dvd combo drive to replace the one I broke.

    Views: 986
    February 2004
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