It didn’t even last as long as I had thought it would. It’s funny really. The Points System only really lasted for a month and a half. I figured this pseudo rewards system would go on for at least a year. I knew it was coming when they took down the one from December and didn’t put up a new one. It really is to bad, as I took the time to work this whole points system into my site layout. You can find the previous two months here and here. The current one can still be found here.
It seems I will be receiving a 10 buck gift card from Best Buy for the points I got for fixing the spyware problem. Which is a nice gesture, but as I explained to the front desk manager it is not necessary. As always if the hotel wants to reward their employees all they need to do is give us raises. But what can you do?
If they really want to reward me they can start the new schedule as I’ve discussed with the front desk manager. Working Sunday through Thursday would make me a very happy employee. That’s 40 hours a week, every week. That would be a step in the right direction. In fact that is the only way to make me happy. Because I know I won’t be getting a raise.