I’ve been ignoring my GuestBook when people sign it. It’s just nothing has caught my eye that was worth mentioning here. But I find it amusing when people find my site when looking for info on how to do the night audit. Which is the case with Andy who stumbled onto my site and had this comment:
I’m a Holiday Inn Express Night Auditor. *yay* : I was looking around for a site that tells how to do the Year End Procedures and stumbled across this neat li’l place. I use Encore and can’t wait for the Pegesus Upgrade… I think.:/
It’s been a while since I did the end of year with Encore, hell I can’t even remember how it went. I know it may or may not have been pretty complicated. Your workplace didn’t supply instructions on how to do the year end? I feel for you man. What is this Pegesus you speak of? Is it an up to date and windows compatible Encore perhaps? That whould be cool. Anyway thanks for stopping by the website Andy.