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    Monday May 19th 2003
    Hotel Website? 2:25 am-
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    The last time I mentioned the idea of me doing a website for the hotel I said:

    So one last time let me answer the question of me doing a website for the hotel (in bold type no less): No Fucking Way. Not for free, not for money, and not even if you begged. And if you have to ask why? It’s because I can.

    As of late I have been rethinking my position on doing the hotel a website. The reason being that the library gig hasn’t come through yet. There is some kind of hold up of getting the library site going. It kind of sounds like office politics.

    So it seems I have the time to help the hotel, but only if certain requirements are met. And the requirements (demands) are not to outrageous. They are pretty reasonable if you ask me.

    The first requirement is that I need a decent pc out at the frontdesk. This laptop just doesn’t cut it. It freezes up to often to get any work done. This one isn’t negotiable. I will not come in any other time to do this kind of work. I’m anti social and do not want to have the company of others while I do my thing.

    The second requirement is a raise. I haven’t had a raise in almost three years. I’m not asking for a huge raise, but a raise is required for my help and knowledge.

    The third and final requirement is a internet connection supplied by the hotel. Again this is a pretty simple one. And I’m not asking for a T1 or anything. A simple AOL account will suffice.

    So if these requirement (demands) can be met I will help out the hotel with their website. Otherwise it’s a no can do. Help thy self if these requirement can’t be met. The pc they moved to sales has all of the tools needed to build a website. FTP Client, Frontpage for a wysiwyg, and an Image Editor. All that’s needed is the know how.

    Views: 760
    Tuesday May 20th 2003
    Star Wars Kid Found 4:13 am-
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    Back on the 4th I had a post about this poor kid (pictured below) who recorded himself playing Jedi with a broomstick. Waxy.org (the site who first mentioned this video) has somehow tracked this poor guy down.

    Real Star Wars Geek

    This post here from Waxy.org talks about finding this kid and how they are taking donations for him. They also have an interview up with this guy here.

    [drain file 24 show]

    Views: 855
    Thursday May 29th 2003
    Stupid Manager Tricks 12:29 am-
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    Ok it’s been a while. I hope you managers have been doing ok, since you haven’t been able to get your fix here from this site. Speaking of managers who wants to hear about stupid management? Ok that’s enough raised hands.

    Back on the 28th of December 2000 I wrote about how I got robbed at the hotel. Because of this incident the management at that time installed four cameras to keep a watch on what happens at the frontdesk. Nice idea, huh? Only two of the cameras actually looked at the frontdesk. Angles that one could see the people who were standing at the desk for either check in or to rob the place. The other two cameras looked at the lobby and a pop machine.

    Good idea right? Yeah not that these cameras would stop the place from getting robbed. But I came in to work today to find the two that looked in on the desk have been moved. The placement of the cameras always had a certain blind-spot. The camera have been moved to try to focus more on the blind-spots. Personly this doesn’t bother me at all. I have nothing to hide.

    But the rational at work here has of course got me wondering. Why move the cameras? The most obvious reason is they want to catch the people behind the desk doing something wrong. But what? Not that it matters of course. The thing that amuses me, is that with a limited number of cameras you still will have blind-spots. One just has to move to these new areas that lack camera coverage and do whatever it is their doing wrong in these new blind-spots.

    I’m not the only one here that thinks this is illogical? Oh well what can you do? I just wish that management would live up to their name and manage. I know it’s asking a lot. But that’s just the way I am.

    Views: 859
    My Bad 7:14 am-
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    My second favorite Diaryland site The Don Juan (aka Jeff Farmer) had a poll that I voted in. In a more recent post at his site he had this to say (in L33t even):

    !’d l!K3 t0 tH4ñK wH03v3r v0t3d !ñ m¥ p0ll, 3v3ñ tH0ugH tH3¥ d!d $0 f!v3 t!m3$ !ñ tH3 $p4ñ 0f f0urt33ñ $3©0ñd$, wH!©H m4K3$ tH3m $33m p$¥©H0t!©. l33t H4x0r 0r f4g0t ñ00b? ¥0u d3©!d3.

    First off let me say I’m sorry about that. I got carried away. I was hyped up on Mountain Dew and couldn’t help myself when I realized there was no ip logging or cookies to stop someone from doing what I did.

    Just let me say that I am not a l33t H4x0r or a f4g0t ñ00b. I just am what I am, to quote Popeye. I apologize for the poll incident. No harm was intended.

    Views: 747
    Friday May 30th 2003
    Learn Something New 1:15 am-
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    I’m the kind of guy who likes to learn new things. I never said I was the smartest guy in the world. I don’t think I try to portray myself this way here on my website.

    So it’s pretty neat when I’m introduced to new ideas. I like new ideas. as I said, I’m open to learning new things. I learned something new today. For example today I learned about something called a False Dilemma (defined below courtesy of The Don Juan).

    A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the “or” operator.

    Putting issues or opinions into “black or white” terms is a common instance of this fallacy.

    My problem (I guess) is that I do see things in “black and white”, I always have. But of course that is a simple way of putting it. I would have to point you to the Yin and Yang from Chinese Philosophy if I had to put a label on my way of thinking.

    The universe is run by a single principle, the Tao, or Great Ultimate. This principle is divided into two opposite principles, or two principles which oppose one another in their actions, yin and yang. All the opposites one perceives in the universe can be reduced to one of the opposite forces.

    It just kind of makes sense to me. But of course what the hell do I know?. Of course old Willie could answer the question of me being either an l33t H4x0r or a f4g0t ñ00b. Shit maybe even Willie’s way of thinking has shades of black and white. I guess it’s all a matter of your point of view.

    Of course another favorite Philosopher of mine summed it up the best. “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one” said the great Harry Callahan. And that’s all of this boils down to. Think what you want. I’m not going to be able to change your mind. And I won’t even try.

    Views: 1,458
    Saturday May 31st 2003
    One More Time 11:32 pm-
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    Man I hate having to repeat myself. But since this time it was the Owner who brought up this subject I’ll be all nice and polite. Three demands have to be met if I’m going to do a website for the hotel.

    1. I need a decent pc out at the frontdesk. Because I will not come in any other time. Third shift is when I work.
    2. I need a raise.
    3. I need a internet connection for at work, paid by work.

    Pretty simple. But it is all of these or I can’t help the hotel. It’s that kind of deal. The Library gig looks to be back on track so I don’t have time to dick around with you people at the hotel.

    Also you (the hotel) want my help. I don’t write proposals. And I don’t audition. You need to know what it is you want and you need to put it on paper. Not the other way around. Sophisticated? Again you tell me what it is you need and I’ll tell you how sophisticated it can be.

    But this is all a moot point if the above demands can not be met. Don’t waste my time with this hotel website business until these above items are resolved.

    Views: 882
    Monday June 2nd 2003
    Appreciate This 11:55 am-
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    So last night the hotel had an Employee Appreciation Pool Party. I know it just sounds like a shit load of fun doesn’t it? Well I didn’t get in to the party until the last hour, so I can’t honestly say how it was.

    I did grab a few shots of some co-workers. These pictures are of only really three people. My favorite target Stan “Is going to fucking pay for the dog remark” Lee, Jay, and Matt. Stan has been mentioned before on this site. Jay and Matt are the hotels only two regular set up guys and they are both long timers.

    Appreciate This Appreciate This
    Appreciate This Appreciate This

    The only comment I will make is this. After everyone left I made my way to the frontdesk. Two of the party goers had just come back from te bar across the street. Dave a security guy and the Prince (best nickname I can think up). Part of the reason I went in to the party was to see if the Prince and his buddy (not Dave) would be there. I wanted to get a chance to converse with the guy and get to know him. To see if maybe I was wrong in what I thought of these two people.

    So were are all standing at the desk and the Prince asks Dave if he would come join him in the hotel bar. Now I was standing right there. I would have gone down and had a drink with him, if asked. But I guess I’m just not good enough to drink with the Prince.

    Oh well. I’m not going to lose no sleep over it. But it just confirms what I think about these people. So it goes.

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