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    Sunday November 16th 2003
    Work? 1:32 am-
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    Number of things to cover. This post will detail how unhappy I am with the current situation at work. Of course no matter how much I complain here or in the real world will change how I feel. It’s safe to say I’m not to certain how much longer I will be working at the hotel.

    First up is the implementation of a demerits system at the hotel. I call it a demerits system, they call it a points system. Their idea behind this is that this is a system that will both reward and punish. You start with zero points and work your way to either positive or negative 35 total points. Rewards are redeemable for different prizes such as cd’s, dvd’s, or even free stays at different hotels.

    Now the real reason this system is in effect is that it is a way for them to punish the employees. I don’t see it as anything else. I say this because if they want to reward me (or anyone else) for a good job they can give me a raise. Of course this won’t be happening, so I won’t hold my breath. You will also notice this gay points system has changed my website as well. Over on the right just below the quick links you will see a new info box that shows my current points total.

    All in all this is just a stupid management thing. Which is cool, because I’m going to start charging them points to do anything that isn’t related to my job. For example, for me to train a new night auditor it will cost them 35 points total or working when it’s not my designated time will cost 15 points. Shit I’ll sell them my cell phone number for 35 points. Of course making sure I answer the phone will cost and additional 5 points per call.

    Now this points system is trivial, what they have done to the night audit schedule is reason enough for me to be looking for a new job. And I am, but sorry no two weeks notice for you (that will cost 100 points). The audit schedule has been cut two hours a day. So instead of working four days on four days off at ten hours a pop, audit is not eight hour shifts. But we retain the 4 on 4 off thing. So the poor bastard that is stuck with the 3 days on will only be pulling in 24 hours a week. And that is unacceptable. Maybe if things would change it would be different. But I don’t see that happening.

    So I’m no longer a full time employee the way I look at it. Which is why I’m looking for a job. And when I find a new full time job I’m saying adiĆ³s to the part time job. Which is to bad. But perhaps my time has come. Perhaps it’s no longer the place it used to be. And perhaps I’ve worn out my welcome there. Time will tell.

    Views: 987
    Monday November 17th 2003
    Late For Work 7:17 am-
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    So here it is seven am already and has the first shift come in yet? The answer to that question is a big no. So it’s kind of funny because at a real job I think one would get in trouble for coming in to work late. I wonder how many of these gay points one gets for coming in late?

    And sure I’m not perfect. I’m looking at my time card and I’m late some times. But only 1-4 minutes late. It makes me wonder how these people can be over 5 minutes late to work. I look at the schedule when it comes out and I know when I have to be in. It’s pretty simple. But that’s not the case with the people who work the front desk.

    I mean it’s not rocket science is it? Does setting a fucking alarm clock take a god damn degree? Maybe it would help if one understood Quantum Physics and all that kind of stuff. Or maybe I’m some kind of genius (or insane even) that I’m able to get my fat ass in to work fairly on time.

    Oh well, what can I do? I’m not the front desk manager and I’m sure not saying anything. Not now that they have cut my hours. I can use all the extra time these people can give me. So I say to the people relieving me “be as late as you want” because it gets me more money to blow. And thank god that the chain of command is such a weak link here. I would hate to have management start to do their job and fuck up my extra time. So kudos all around!

    Views: 979
    Tuesday November 18th 2003
    Special Guests 12:37 am-
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    I heard via the grapevine that I had a special guest check my site out today. Now I’m not saying that all of you who visit my site are not special. I consider all of the people who visit my site special. A few of you are “special” in a Farrelly Brothers way.

    I don’t need to go on about first amendment stuff do I? Nah I don’t need to do that. So welcome aboard and enjoy your look into the way I think. If you think what I write here is harsh or if you think I only say these things here on my site just ask me in the real world.

    You may learn a thing or two if you pay attention. And you need all of the help you can get. It just depends on if your willing to pay for it. Because until things change there you won’t get any help from me any other way.

    Views: 842
    Hotel Hate! 7:00 pm-
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    You know what else pisses me off? When a guest says to me “I haven’t seen you here before.” Now maybe this is some trivial shit here. But I just heard this shit and I wanted to rant. I’m in the ranting state of mind. And the littlest thing could set me off.

    Back to the “I haven’t seen you here before” shit. How do you respond to that? Really now I mean it. This is like a training question. How would you the hotel employee respond after a guest told you this “I haven’t seen you here before” shit?

    My answer? My suck ass corporate shill answer? It was “third shift works odd hours sir. We do four days on four days off. So there is a stretch of days you wouldn’t see me.” Kinda long winded huh? But this is the way you have to answer this kind of stupid guest question.

    Now what I would have liked to say to this guest? It would go something like this “Haven’t seen me before? I have only worked at this shithole for the last fucking decade. Open your fucking eyes you blind stupid bastard!” Or something like that, followed by a psychotic nervous breakdown were I nearly beat the guest to death with any blunt instrument I can find.

    Man I have to check my gay points thing, because I just may have to mark my self off some for this kind of negative professional winning attitude (sort of like those gay professional winning words except not as gay because I came up with the term). What kind of points should I dock my self? I think ten points will be fair. 2 more points and I have 35, to bad no one knows what really happens when you hit 35. I guess I’ll get a paid day off or something nice like that. To bad I’ll never really get 35 at the hotel, thanks to the fact some managers have nice schedules.

    Views: 1,298
    Friday November 21st 2003
    Feel The Love 12:21 am-
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    The following chat log just makes me chuckle. It leaves a warm feeling in my heart that someone would hate me. Job well done I say. Read the following short conversation and see if you can see why I’m laughing:

    Hotel Guy: i found someone that really hates you
    Turk: who hates me?
    Hotel Guy: the bartender here
    Turk: which one?
    Hotel Guy: cathy i think
    Turk: well that’s just to fucking bad
    Hotel Guy: she went on and on
    Turk: heh
    Turk: about what?
    Hotel Guy: she mentioned that you wouldn’t help her on her first day?
    Turk: ain’t nothing I can do to help her
    Turk: she on her own
    Hotel Guy: that’s what she said you told her
    Turk: I don’t know shit about that computer system
    Turk: well I fail to see a problem
    Hotel Guy: what did she want you to help her with
    Turk: can’t remember
    Turk: I don’t give a fuck either
    Turk: they pay me to do the audit, not to help stupid fucking bartenders
    Turk: and until the schedule changes for the both of us that’s all they get

    I just can’t stress enough just how much I could give two flying fucks if some bartender hates me. It’s a compliment as far as I’m concerned. Let me say again and in bold type no less, I am a night audit clerk and nothing else. I am not a manager and I do not do anything other than the night audit. I don’t help bartenders who are not trained. I don’t train other employees, be it front desk clerks or front desk managers.

    I’m sorry these people have put themselves in this position, I really am. But management’s mis-management of the place does not fall on my shoulders. But if they want me to be more than just a night audit clerk they need to start paying for it. And I’m talking about more than my hourly wage. It’s the little things that would please me.

    To start I would like a yearly review. I’m not even asking that they give a raise to go with it. I’m just saying go through the motions. Tell me I’m doing a good job. We can work on the raise issue later. But these people don’t even go through the motions. They have skipped that all together. They are the kind of people that would bend you over the table and would fuck you in the ass and then not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around.

    And speaking of raises, do you know the last time I got a raise? It was way back on January 18, 2001. How many years is that? That’s almost two years. I find that pretty unacceptable. I suppose it could be worse. But with all of this other shit I’m just kind of intolerant of this. We don’t even get paid vacations. Again this isn’t me asking for an arm and a leg here. I just expect my employer to be a little more employee friendly. This current regime has no intention of even trying to be friendly to the common hotel employee. And it shows to more than people inside the hotel. What do they think their mistreated employees tell their family and friends? And what do you think the family and friends tell the people they know? It’s a long bitter line that goes farther than they can imagine. But that’s something I don’t think they care about.

    It’s ironic that the fifth anniversary of the day I was fired from the hotel is coming up. On that night all that long time ago I was shown the hatch because I wasn’t happy. It’s ironic because I’m not happy right now. Under the terms of my firing five years ago I should be shown the hatch once again. The sad thing is I think with a few simple and logical changes this could all change. But it’s not my position to tell them what they should do. Who knows, maybe it will change. In fact I know it will change one way or another. I don’t think the change that is going to happen will leave the hotel’s management very happy. One way or another a very simple thing is going to happen. And on that day maybe I’ll finally be happy. Only time will tell, and it always does.

    Views: 1,051
    Monday November 24th 2003
    Who Turns 40! 6:11 am-
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    Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the classic BBC science fiction program Doctor Who. In celebration of the anniversary they have produced an animated web show. The six episode show is called the Scream of the Shalka and it stars Richard E Grant as the ninth Doctor. Below are six screen caps I took showing off what the show looks like (and that fifth shot is kinda a spoiler if you haven’t watched it yet):

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    So this animated show and the news of a new Who tv show is great news. If you missed the news of a new tv show head over here. For an all around informative site check out this BBC Cult Doctor Who page. Another great site is Outpost Gallifrey is another great Who site for finding out news as it happens.

    Views: 1,329
    Tuesday November 25th 2003
    Hotelblues.com Radio! 2:34 am-
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    So Gawain has his radio station and now I have mine. I’m running SHOUTcast on my pc at home. Now you need Winamp to listen, which isn’t a problem as it is totally free. To listen just click this url. So far it’s been playing fine here on the work computer. The only snag I hit was not having the playlist at home on repeat, which caused it to endlessly play the last track.

    I’m only going to be running the SHOUTcast server when I work. Mostly for my own entertainment of course. I’ll play a variety of stuff. But of course all of it will be shit I listen to. I may throw in a few surprises. Right now I have Billy Joel’s classic album Glass Houses going just to warn you if you listen. If your curious of what has been played or you just want to see some odds and ends stats point your browser to this page that shows that kind of thing.

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