Now I don’t want to come off like a bad guy or anything. But if you look at the forum calender you will see the way the hotel work schedule is supposed to be. It still amazes me how this simple thing can be such a problem. It’s kind of like the polish guide to fucking. Four days on, four days off, and then repeat.
Which brings me to explaining the title of this post. The Favor System. Which is something I believe in. It’s kind of like respect, that favors have to be earned. I expect if I do a favor for someone that the favor be returned. It’s common sense mafia shit. Now if you don’t do me the favor in return, unlike the mafia I won’t kill you. Just don’t expect to ever have me do you a favor in return.
Another thing I don’t like is having someone go over my head. That is a big no no. That is a major thing to remember. You go over my head and there are no more favors. You go over my head and you no longer have my support. You go over my head and your on your own.
Part of the problem I’m talking about can be explained with the following excerpt from Trillian‘s chat log:
Session Start (Hotel Guy:Turk): Sun Nov 30 06:29:38 2003
Hotel Guy: hey did u have christmas off last year or did i
*** Auto-response from Turk: Im in the middle of DAoC, or Star Wars Galaxies. Of course, I could be in the middle of your mom too. Check to see if my car is in your driveway.
**Swiped from Gawain
Turk: I don’t remember
Hotel Guy: ok
Turk: why?
Hotel Guy: i asked for the 24-26 off
Turk: oh
Turk: why don’t you just leave it the way it is
Turk: you would have off 25-28 as it is with the 4 on 4 off
Turk: accept you would have to work the 24
Turk: which is a big whoop
Turk: your working 31st
Hotel Guy: that’s not a problem
Session Close (Turk): Sun Nov 30 07:02:28 2003
This is all of the problem actually. Now the way I read this is that the two of us agreed on the way the schedule would be. So you can understand why I’m slightly pissed off. The funny thing about this chat log is that I got it off of the work computer. Unknown to the Hotel Guy Trillian has been keeping a chat log of all of his conversations. Which is cool because here I was thinking I would have to wait till I got home to put this up.
Maybe this pisses me off more than it should. But all I want is Christmas Eve off. I’m not asking for a lot here. And this whole thing is all about the work schedule changing. When it’s first put out I have my four days off like it is in the forum calender. But it mysteriously changes when I come in to work. Well it’s not all that much of a mystery really.
Me and the Hotel Guy had just talked about this over the phone a few days ago. He had asked me if I would switch days with him. He wanted to trade some day of his for the 24th. My answer was no. I told him not to be greedy. And this is what this is. I totally understand the need to be with your family on Christmas morning. I understand quite a bit. I got my niece and nephew and these kids make Christmas fun again for me.
Now not to bring the whole mafia-like vibe back into this topic, but don’t ever go around me again. I don’t threaten, I’m just stating a fact. I’m the kind of person you want with you not against you. Lot’s of things have changed now with this bullshit. Your on your own now. Don’t ask me for favors or help in any matter. It’s to bad this had to happen. Such a petty thing to loose someone that was in your corner over. I’m not saying I’m anything special, it’s just that it doesn’t hurt to have a person on your side. And with the way things are at the hotel a person needs all the help they can get.