So the new sexy reworked Battlestar Galactica started yesterday. I’m not sure what to think of it. I’m pretty sure I don’t like it. Why you may ask? One reason and one reason alone. Starbuck is a chick. Look at this chick (picture below), and tell me that this is right?
Starbuck was a guy that was all about pussy. Can we honestly have the same thing with this dyke looking chick? It’s just not right. She looks like Macaulay Culkin for christ sake. I’m glad I work tonight because I’ll miss the second part of this catastrophe.
Once again we disagree. I absolutely LOVE the new version, though I WAS expecting a miniSERIES to be more than TWO episodes. When I hear the word “Series” I naturally assume there is going to be a SERIES of episodes. What we had here was a miniPAIR. Bah. But I suppose it sets it up for the actual show.