So I had found a cool little program that would allow me to change the songs playing on my pc at home. You set it up and pick a port number for it to work. So it’s kinda a little web server. But as it turns out I picked the wrong port number, because I can’t get to it from this super gay Cendant isp we have.
So the current selection playing right now is thanks to Gawain. I had been listening to George Carlin for the last four hours and it was getting old. Don’t get me wrong I love Carlin. But I’ve heard that Back In Town album way to much. Kudos to the Big G for playing such a great selection of tunes.
So I like the idea of streaming music from my pc. It’s kind of liberating to be able assault the inhabitants of the internet in another way. I can play all kinds of weird shit that I like. From Joel to Sinatra. I can also inflict Bill Hicks on those of you who don’t know about my favorite comedian. I also want to play this 12 disc Lord Of The Rings set I have. Lots of options.