So it’s November already. November is kind of a special month for me. Mostly because on the 28th I will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the day I was fired from the hotel I work at. It’s become my special day, a sort of religious day you could say. It’s become the day I thank my friends and family that have helped me get from one year to the next. Follow this link to see what I mean.
I also have vowed to not ever work that day. My thinking is that I didn’t work on that day back in 98 so why should I work on that day ever again. It goes back to this almost religious thing I have with this day now. Those events of me getting fired has left a mark on me. One that may not be the best attitude to have.
I was told that I would have that day off, because we would be switching to one full time guy (who works Sunday through Thursday, that will be me I’m told) and then a part time guy/guys (who work Friday and Saturday). So with any luck I’ll get it off with out much fuss. It falls on a Friday this time. Five years, man time flies when your having fun.
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