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    Saturday October 18th 2003
    Tunak, WTF? 2:41 am-
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    It’s Gawain’s fault. I want that to be known in advance. But I’m like totally mesmerized by this. But I’m getting ahead of myself. When at work I kind of depend on Gawain, he keeps me entertained while I’m at work. He sends me funky links, music, just all kinds of shit. But this latest one just is strange.

    It has to be seen and heard to understand. Below are six screen captures of this video. To play it you need the latest Real Player. You can find a copy of it here (hopefully, work internet blocks Real.com). Once your good to go with the software follow this link to the video (local copy) or here (external link) if mine doesn’t work.

    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?
    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?
    Tunak, WTF? Tunak, WTF?

    Of course it’s this video that just blows my mind. I did a little research on the dude who sings it with varying results. I really only want to know what the hell the dude is singing. Because the video is a trip. I’m not sure what the hell is going on in it.The guy is named Daler Mehndi. He has a website even, which can be found here. If you dig this guys music and need more head over top this fan page here which offers a few more Real files and a few mp3. And if you really fancy this guy and his music you can become an ordained minister in his religion. I even found a link to a page about the cars this dude owns, which has a funny quote:

    “I went to America in 1986 when I was in my teens but kept coming back to India to pursue my singing career. In the US, where my brother had a cab company and 16 cars, I have driven Chevrolets, a Mustang, Lincolns and Cadillacs,” said Daler.

    I only mention it just because of the stereotype one assumes about people from that part of the world. Strange stuff. But oddly entertaining. Remember you have been warned.

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