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    Friday September 19th 2003
    Spreadsheets, Piracy, And You Buddy 2:48 am-
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    Now hear me out on this one. And then tell me I’m wrong. I was told by my “supervisor” that I was to show the other guy how to use an Excel spreadsheet. Now this all sounds good on paper.

    Before I go on let me bring you a public service announcement from my friends at Microsoft:

    Common Types of Piracy

    License Misuse

    Software programs may originate from legitimate offers and channels, but they are then subsequently misdirected during distribution. As a result of this misdirection, the software is unlawfully transferred in violation of its original licensing conditions. Software programs that “leak” from their original channels are typically those distributed under the “Academic,” “License Fulfillment” or original equipment manufacturer programs.

    Sorry about that. So I’m to show the other auditor how to use the Excel spreadsheet but I don’t have the Excel spreadsheet. Now I explained this to the “supervisor” when I was told about showing the other guy how to use the spreadsheet. I pointed out that I didn’t have the disk that has the spreadsheet. It’s hard to show someone how to use something when you don’t have it. I pointed this out to the guy a couple of times. But of course no spreadsheet.

    Now don’t you think that the disk should be here for me to use and so I can teach the other guy to use it. Wouldn’t you think that this “supervisor” would have made sure I had the disk before he called the other guy in to be taught how to use this spreadsheet? You understand what I’m getting at, right? This doesn’t make sense right? Or is it just me?

    Now that is out of the way I wanted to talk some more about piracy. The Better Business Bureau has a informative page here that explains all about Computer Software Piracy. Did you realize that the fines could be up to $250,000 and jail terms of up to 5 years. There also is an organization called Business Software Alliance and they are the place to go if you think your workplace is pirating software. But of course no one at the hotel would be stupid enough to do something like that. And I’m glad because an angry guy like me would be likely to report them if they did. Thank you for your time.

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