So I heard from an old AoD Buddy (he also founded the guild). A hell of a nice guy who went by Farooq in Dark Age of Camelot. He’s not playing DAoC anymore, he’s playing Star Wars Galaxies now.
It was good hearing from him. He sent along a couple of screenshots showing off his character. It looks and sounds like he’s having a lot of fun running around the Star Wars world that Sony and Lucasarts has created.
I know I may have had some negative views on SWG, but hearing form Farooq kinda makes me feel like giving it another shot. At the least I may try the one month free trial. I can’t and won’t leave Dark Age of Camelot behind. Not yet, I may say goodbye to Camelot when World of Warcraft comes out. But it will be a while before Blizzard’s mmorpg comes out.