It’s required reading night here at Hotelblues.com, for two reasons. Reason one, I don’t want to have to bring this up again. I’ve made my position on this matter quite apparent. Reason two, This just isn’t something I want to discuss. Be here on the site or in real life. So read all of this stuff first I Feel Your Pain, My Take On Religion, Yee Of Little Faith, and The Consequences Of My Slander and then check out this new GuestBook entry from KoldKadavr who had this to say:
Nice site… However, much more important realities await thee. Both God and I want you in the Great Beyond. How do you get there? Belief in the Trinity and frequent confession; We know you can make it if you follow our guidelines in this Finite Existence. Sign the Guest Book, too. God Bless You.
I won’t be plugging this guys site here. And I will not be signing his guestbook. In fact these kinds of people really piss me off. I don’t go to their shitty little websites and fill out their lame signmyguestbook.com guestbooks. I don’t go to total strangers homes/websites and try to preach the shit I believe in. Why? Because it’s rude. At least that’s how I feel about having people try to force their beliefs on me.
So don’t bother writing back. Don’t bother signing my GuestBook again. From know on I’m going to treat these kinds of people the same way I treat any other religious fanatic. I’m going to keep them from trying to force their views here at this website.
That’s right I’m waving my big ip banning stick around again. And if your going to spew this kind of shit here, at least try to make it good the first time. Because you’ll only get the one shot.
It’s a funny story how are friend of god KoldKadavr found Hotelblues.com. First thing is I run your basic stat recording script. It gets info like ip address, where you came from (url wise), and what pages of mine you visited. And when you sign the GuestBook it records your ip as well.
Now using the ip address from the GuestBook entry I was able to look up that ip in my stat script. I was as shocked as anyone else will be to see how KoldKadavr found my site. Here is what his ip turned up in my stat script:
A visitor from 0-2pool8-143.nas18.topeka2.ks.us.da.qwest.net ( was logged 4 times,
starting at 3:20:04 PM on Tuesday, September 2, 2003.
The initial browser was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN 6.1; MSNbMSFT; MSNmen-us; MSNc11; v5m). This visitor first arrived from search.msn.com Search Terms: girl pussy guestbook
and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/old_geocities_guestbook.shtml00:00:21 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/old_geocities_guestbook.shtml
and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi00:00:40 later, arrived without a refering URL,
and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi00:00:13 later, arrived from www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/sign.cgi
and visited www.hotelblues.com/guestbook/view.cgi
Quite the man of god huh?