I really don’t like Diaryland sites. It just something about the service they offer I don’t like. Maybe its because all of the sites look the same.
But I have found one Diaryland site that I do like. Gawain The Blind is a website that deserves to be in your bookmarks/favorites. This guy writes in a way that I envy. Here is a sample from his current entry:
My happy place is a place where virgins prance about naked, it rains Pete’s Wicked Ale, and not only does PMS not exist, but it has been replaced with MPF, which stands for “pre-menstrual fun” and which involves sexy undergarments being worn on one’s head. In my happy place, Carrot top was never born, Phil Hartman never married, and Belushi never overdosed.
I would like to think that me and Gawain are like minded. I just can’t say enough good things about the guy.
If you get the chance and you have money to burn also stop by his store for all kinds of cool merchandise.
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