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I see I have a new GuestBook entry. This highly intelligent person named fuckyou had this comment about my last post:
So this “chick” you talk about in your last post is she fucking ugly or what? I bet she’s fugly as hell. Your a loser dude, just so you know.
First let me say that “fuckyou” here is a good example to remind my readers that this isn’t a democracy here at this website. It is a dictatorship plain and simple. If you don’t like what I write then don’t come here. This jackass has got himself banned from this domain.
Second to address his comments. Man no she’s not ugly. How can you be such a rude jackass to someone you don’t even know? Beauty is the eye of the beholder you stupid fuck. So to me she’s not ugly.
I’m a loser? Yeah maybe. That’s a good one. At least my family tree doesn’t look like a stump. In fact I not only would question your family heritage, I wonder about the quality of your genetic material. Yeah I’m the loser.