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    Thursday April 10th 2003
    Shadowbane 1:39 pm-
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    Well I got the game Shadowbane and I installed it and I tried to play it. My first problem is that the games auto patcher is all fucked up. The first screen shot shows what I’m talking about. It tells me and lots of other people that one or more of the .cache files are corrupt. It advises you to reinstall this piece of shit. And this doesn’t work. Check out this thread at the Shadowbane forums for what the developers tell their paying customers to do. And what they have you do has about a 1% chance of working. Check out pages 9 and 10 of that thread for my comments.

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Needless to say I’m done with this steaming pile of shit called Shadowbane. I wish I could return this game. But it was purchased at Walmart and those guys are impossible to get then to give refunds. So my Shadowbane disk has become my new beverage coaster. Stay away from this game if you know what’s good for you.

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    8 Responses to ''Shadowbane''
    Turk says:
    April 11th, 2003 at 6:50 am

    Hrm. you forgot to say what your name is on there. I don’t see a “turk” anywhere. unless you got deleted. heh.

    *edit… Oh there you are. on page 10, not 3 and 4.

    *edit… Hey, here’s you’re problem. you haven’t bought the official SB stratagy guide!


    theres just something special about watching a game go down in flames. It makes me all kinda warm inside.

    Turk says:
    April 11th, 2003 at 8:07 am

    Wow I was on page 3 and 4. They must have merged some other threads. I just can’t believe how the shadowbane dev’s have yet to solve this problem. Oh well.

    Turk says:
    May 31st, 2003 at 7:17 am

    Is a great read telling about how my favorite coaster got hacked. It makes me glad that this games sucked so much ass. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that still play this game.

    Turk says:
    April 29th, 2004 at 1:51 am

    So how do u fix that cache file thing then? lol

    Turk says:
    April 29th, 2004 at 2:18 am

    Originally Posted by Rabies
    So how do u fix that cache file thing then? lol

    You can fix this problem by un installing the game. And then maybe throw the game box and disk away. Or even further you could cleanse the room by burning it to the ground so that that foul games presence is wiped clean from it.

    Turk says:
    April 29th, 2004 at 3:14 am

    Lol, that’s funny as hell. But seriously, you made a character so you must have gotten passed that, or did you make the character and THEN get the problem? He’s got the exact same buggy-ass issue and we’re having a hell of a time resolving it.

    Turk says:
    April 29th, 2004 at 3:31 am

    Well that was a year ago that I played that pos, so I honestly don’t remember what I did. It was a pain in the ass I can tell you. It’s kind of sad this is still an issue with that game. I really do recommend finding another game and write off your loss of money as a learning experience.

    Turk says:
    August 7th, 2004 at 1:07 pm

    Originally Posted by That POS MMORPG
    Greetings Turk,

    This email is to inform you that your former subscription to Shadowbane has been reactivated free of charge for 15 days, from Friday, August 6th, 2004, through Saturday, August 21st, 2004.

    For more information about your temporary account reactivation, visit:

    If it has been a while since you tried Shadowbane, information for returning veterans can be found here:

    Please note, you will be charged nothing for playing Shadowbane during this period. Only if you renew your subscription by entering in new billing information and selecting a new subscription plan will you incur any charges.

    IMPORTANT: Here are the details of your subscription. Save this email for your records. For your protection and security, please do not share this information with anyone.

    User name: idontwanttoplayyourgame

    Reactivation Date: August 6th, 2004
    New Expiration Date: August 21st, 2004

    To view your account history and to renew your Shadowbane subscription, please visit the secure ubi.com Account Management system:

    If you need help or assistance, visit the Shadowbane support site:

    Thank you for playing Shadowbane again!
    The ubi.com subscription team

    This is the second time I got an email from these fucks. They just don’t know how much I really fucking hate their game. Yeah I’ll give playing WoW to come back to Shadowbane. Sign me up right now!

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