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  • Wednesday December 4th 2002
    This And That 3:03 am-
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    Well I got my disks for the Star Wars Galaxies beta. But I have yet been able to play. It appears they have the servers up only at certain times. So I’m waiting to see what it will be like.

    I stopped playing Earth and Beyond. It was lots of fun at first. But after week it was boring. That’s ok. Because Dark Age of Camelot has it’s first expansion pack coming out today. Shrouded Isles is the name of the expansion pack. It will add more content and upgrade the graphics engine. It also is supposed to have a improved interface. But I hadn’t seen any released screens of it. So I did a search on Google and found one. It looks pretty slick.

    This And That

    I was going to wait to pick up the expansion, but I may have to go get it today.

    Views: 1,143
    Thursday December 5th 2002
    The Forum 1:00 am-
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    The Forum now has two registered members counting me. The newsiest member is Iggy. Iggy who is one of the original viewers of this website. Iggy has her own Greatest Hit’s and her own section of this website called Dear Iggy. So this would be a good time to register for the forum. All I can say is welcome back Iggy!

    Views: 962
    DAOC Expansion Shots 9:38 am-
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    Well you should have known that I was going to throw up some shots of the Dark Age of Camelot expansion pack Shrouded Isles. There would have been four more but the servers were coming down. But don’t worry I will snap off some more later.

    So far it’s not bad. I was a little worried when I saw the printed requirements on the box. The box recommends Pentium III 1.4 GHz processor and the preferred video card is a GeForce 4 Ti. I’m happy to report that it runs fine, even at my usual resolution of 1152×864.

    One Two

    The graphics upgrade is nice. But I feel that this should have been offered also as a free download. But hey what can you do? I have only briefly explored some of the new continent that Albion gets. I do dig the new interface. They also give you some options for adjusting sound and video settings without quiting to the menu. I will have more screen shots later. It’s time for bed, for me.

    Views: 1,113
    Monday December 9th 2002
    Guild Website 1:16 pm-
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    Well I have taken the plunge and offered to do the website for the Dark Age of Camelot guild I’m in. The Acolytes Of Destruction is the name of the guild. The site can be found here. It’s a work in progress and my second actual try at this whole web design stuff. So that’s why I have been very quiet as of late.

    The hardest part is getting the html to work with all the different browsers. I don’t really know html as good as I should, so I use FrontPage to make my pages. I have managed to get the guild site to play nice with Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla. Opera doesn’t like it and I can’t figure out why. I’m not going to lose sleep over it.

    Views: 1,100
    Thursday December 12th 2002
    Pinhead 1:16 am-
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    So this guy signs my GuestBook bitching about a post that appeared over at Sherry’s site (which I host). I would think that the two sites are different enough in look and maybe even attitude that one wouldn’t mistake mine for hers. Of course maybe Sherry can take this as a compliment or even possibly as an insult.

    I have deleted this pinheads post from the GuestBook. Sherry has a link clearly labeled guestbook. So go and sign her guestbook pinhead. Another thing it’s just a fucking pepsi can. Jesus I hate people like you. A pepsi can. Anyway if you want to see what the pinhead got all flustered about go look at Sherry site. Here is a link to an article the pinhead left.

    Views: 4,609
    Friday December 13th 2002
    This And That 5:31 am-
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    Well the Forum has been a hot bed of activity. Between my AOD guild-mates and the poor guy I referred to as the pinhead the forum has seen the most action it ever has. I think my attitude problem cause’s more problems than it’s worth. Then again this site has always attracted strange people. That’s not meant as an insult.

    I mention in the forum thread for the last post how I just don’t like talking about religion, politics, and women. I think it’s best to avoid these topics. Most of my friends (yeah I have some) know I don’t talk about this stuff. I have had bad experiences with all three of these subjects. The guy obviously has mistaken me for something I’m not. My favorite quote from this so far:

    You’re obviously a conservative christian that beats his wife/girlfriend.

    Anyway this is what I love about this internet thing. The interaction with people you don’t even know. I’ve added his Simpson quote to my random quote pool:

    “God has no place within these walls…just like facts have no place in organized religion!” -Superintendent Chalmers, The Simpson’s

    Man that’s great. Well I have to go and beat my wife/girlfriend. Thanks for stopping by my strange chunk of the internet.

    Views: 832
    Monday December 16th 2002
    Still Here 4:49 am-
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    Yeah I’m letting my baby go to hell. Hotelblues.com hasn’t been updated since the 13th of this month. The AOD on the other hand, has been updated the last six days in a row. I haven’t forgotten about my main domain. I’m just trying to get the guild site in tip top shape. Take for example the whole browser compatibility thing. This drives me crazy. Before I go into my spiel. Upgrade your browser! If your using anything other than the current version, upgrade! The links down below take you to places to download the current version. Here are the AOD site in Internet Explorer (6.0), Netscape (7.0), and Opera (6.0) at 800×600:

    AoD in IE AoD in Netscape
    AoD in Opera

    IE and NS more or less show the same thing. NS will occasionally on first load have the left and right gif borders out of sync. Opera on the other hand doesn’t even show the side gif borders. I can’t figure it out. I have expended all of my know how just getting this far. I’m not giving up. I’m just making a strategic withdrawal on the idea. I have to go now and play Dark Age of Camelot.

    Views: 882
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