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    Tuesday November 12th 2002
    The Bop 12:35 am-
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    1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 votes, avg: 5.00 out of 5)

    What can I say about The Bop? I love the place. It’s my hangout. I have been going there for along time. It’s a place that feels like home. I know the lady who runs the bar. A great lady named Bert. Who has to be the best Bartender in the Stateline area.

    The Bop
    530 East Grand Ave
    Beloit, Wi

    If you go down, make sure you tell Bert I sent you.

    The Look

    The Bop feels like home as I said up top. So my feelings on this bar is a little biased. It has an almost quaint look to it. It’s safe to say the bar has a woman’s touch. Not a bad thing. One thing I love is that behind the bar is a great big old fashioned mirror. Sure every bar has one of those you’ll say. But this one has dollar bills taped to it that people have signed. It’s just one of those cool things you have to see. Lot’s of goofy people have signed dollar bills.

    The bar stools (I’m happy to say) are comfy. But if you sit to long they do make your ass hurt.

    The Feel

    Again I have to say that I’m biased concerning this bar. And like I said the place feels like home. Bert has a great selection in the Jukebox. Two words: Frank Sinatra. I requested Sinatra At The Sands and she got it. The younger crowd hates when I play Sinatra.

    The Bop also does Karaoke on Friday and Saturday. The Bop is the location me and Ross had our Karaoke power session. We rocked!

    The beer is two and a quarter. At least I think that’s the going price. To be honest with you I never pay attention to the price (unless it’s that goddamned Applebee’s, the cockroach of the bar world) I go in with a lot of money and come out broke.

    The Bathrooms

    The Bop’s bathrooms are Spartan. Which is not a bad thing. Clean can also be said. These bathrooms are just for you to do your business.

    I can say that I have had the privilege (?) of christening the men’s bathroom. Not proud of it. But it happens.

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    2 Responses to ''The Bop''
    Rama22 says:
    October 16th, 2008 at 8:22 pm

    I loved the BOP! I went to college at Beloit and pretty much lived here… I’d walk in and Bert would have my drink (double rum and coke) waiting at the bar before I even got settled. After moving first to DC, then to Glasgow (UK), I find myself searching out other “BOP” type places… I went back after 4 years of being gone and Bert recognized me… I didn’t even have to order my drink; it was there waiting for me.

    Turk says:
    October 16th, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    Yeah the BOP is one of a kind. No other bar (or bartender) can compare to the BOP (and Bert).

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