You know the funny thing about truth? It’s all a matter of your point of view. What I consider the truth is all a matter of my point of view. The same thing I think is the truth could be considered a lie coming from someone else’s point of view. The only reason I bring this up is because of some events going on at the hotel. I hear lots of things from lots of people. From my point of view none of what I hear is even close to the truth.
Mike the guy who has been doing the audit with me has quit. So the mad dash to find and train a new auditor has started. Now according to my truth I’m the only one left who can train someone to do the night audit. I have to say that I’m going to miss Mike. Mike was/is a good guy. He has gone on to sunny California to find some new truths.
So I’m given a new audit trainee. A very smart and I should say very artistic person. And the whole artistic thing is a good quality as far as I’m concerned. Just seeing some young people who are interested in art makes me want to get going again on the whole artistic front.
As the usual for this kind of post I have strayed from the point. The point being trust no one. I hate to invoke a X-Files mantra, but that’s the only way to explain the way this hotel works. Take no ones word for granted. Everyone has an agenda. Even me. I will lie and spin the truth willingly for my own purposes.
Which may make you wonder what my agenda is? And like a great Bond villian I will tell you. Everything I do is to further chaos at the hotel. If I can cause enough trouble for the lying backstabbing management then I’m a happy man. If I can expose these frauds then I’m a happy man. If I can get even one or two other employees to think like I do then I’m a happy man. I guess my ultimate goal is to stick it to “them” as much as I can. And that makes me a happy man.
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