It’s the little things that make me happy. Coranto, the script I use to update this site has a great community. Their forum is the only place to find help with the script. The people there help with the development of the script because the guy who created it has gone awol.
I’m not the biggest contributor to the forum. I have only 60 posts or so. I keep to myself and only chime in every once in a while. So I always get a kick when I interact with those guys who live on that forum. And that’s not an insult. This year it was one of the guys on the forum who wished me happy birthday before anyone I knew had done so. It’s little things like that that make me proud to be in the community.
Sumaleth has been writing up some documention for using Coranto and has a number of how to’s. The how to for headlines has my headline style shown in the picture at the top of the page. Now it may just be a random grab or not. I see stuff like that and think it’s very cool.