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    Tuesday June 18th 2002
    I’m Up! 8:52 pm-
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    I wanted to shout out to everyone who views the site, messing with the chance this will ruin my solid uptime with the computer. Everything is working out peachy, so far. I think the new CD-ROM did the trick. I have some more stuff to install and I will get back to you.

    Views: 815
    Thursday June 20th 2002
    This And That 8:26 am-
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    The computer still isn’t acting at it’s best. She’s heating up something fierce. I’m pretty sure it was the combination of the cd burner and a bad hard drive. I can’t afford any more major replacements for a while. I may pick up another fan to install in the box.

    I’ve decided that once again to quit the Dew. I’ve been clean of all pop for almost a week. The smokes are still here. I can’t quit both at the same time. I’ve tried that and failed. I also had my Dad’s bicycle repaired. I’m going to start riding that sucker to and from work.

    I’m firm in the mindset that I have to start getting in to a some what good shape. And I wouldn’t mind losing some pounds. I’ve been sensitive about my girlish figure for a long time and with hitting thirty I decided it’s time to do something.

    Mind you I was going to start my official un-official diet at the beginning of the year. I’m ready for a change. And why not start with the body. The mind will be worked on next. I’m not sure if this may be more than I can handle. I’ll find out tonight when I ride the bike to work.

    Views: 732
    Friday June 21st 2002
    The Bike Ride 4:10 am-
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    Man my ass hurts. The bike has to have the most uncomfortable seat ever. Or my ass is too sensitive. I’m not sure which it is. I’m hoping that I get used to the seat. The ride to work wasn’t bad. It’s a nice little bit of exercise for me. I hope I can stick with it.

    My no Dew policy is still going. I’m just drinking water. I would also like to cut out drinking again. I may take a shot at it for a month or so. Then of course the cigarettes have to go.

    I don’t know what this is all about. Maybe I’m having my mid life crisis? Is thirty mid life? I don’t know.

    Views: 665
    Saturday June 22nd 2002
    School Chum 4:25 am-
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    On Memorial Day I ran into Maria (my Prom Queen), who got a small mention here. We exchanged a few words and she said she we come and see me. Now I didn’t think she was lying. Maria is a nice lady, I maybe thought she was just being polite. Besides being a nice lady, she also worked at the hotel for a little bit. This of course was back in the good old days.

    Well she gave me a call tonight. Which was nice. I haven’t really seen any of what I would call my high school friends in a long time. I’ve always been fond of her, in a totally harmless way. She had two items to talk to me about. The first was that her cousins had just tried to make a reservation and was told we were sold out. So I of course get them a room because I can. And we do have few rooms. So it didn’t hurt anything.

    The second item kind of surprised me. She wants to set me up with a friend of hers. I said yes to this, which is totally unlike me. Generally I say no to these blind date like situations. I avoid them like the plague. But due to my possible mid life crisis thing I may or may not be going through I said yes.

    That and the fact their having a party tomorrow for her brother. I’m always up for a party.

    Views: 882
    Thursday June 27th 2002
    This And That 4:34 am-
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    So I’m fighting with the computer at home again. I can get Windows 98SE up and running. But trying to get back to Windows XP is a different story. Not that I want to go back to XP. It’s just the thought that I spent 199.00 on the damn Professional version and I would like to be able to if I wanted to.

    I also had a chance to talk to the lady whom I’m being set up with. We had a nice conversation. I was asked to call because she was nervous about the whole date thing. I’m not nervous. I guess I feel I’m to old to be nervous. The triple date is slated for July 6th.

    I made sure to plug my site in the phone conversation with my nervous blind date. That’s how much of a pimp I am to my own site. Shit there a lot of stuff here that may or may not paint me as a misogynist. Not that I am, at least I think I’m not. At least I’m not as bad as Cerebus creator Dave Sim. And don’t get me wrong, I dig Dave.

    It’s just I have had my share of bad encounters with the opposite species. I don’t have women friends. Sure I have women who call me friend. It just seems I can’t keep women friends. This bit by one of the Spiders explains a little bit how I feel about them. And you have to remember I was suffering from pot related delusions of grandeur when that was written.

    Views: 972
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