On Memorial Day I ran into Maria (my Prom Queen), who got a small mention here. We exchanged a few words and she said she we come and see me. Now I didn’t think she was lying. Maria is a nice lady, I maybe thought she was just being polite. Besides being a nice lady, she also worked at the hotel for a little bit. This of course was back in the good old days.
Well she gave me a call tonight. Which was nice. I haven’t really seen any of what I would call my high school friends in a long time. I’ve always been fond of her, in a totally harmless way. She had two items to talk to me about. The first was that her cousins had just tried to make a reservation and was told we were sold out. So I of course get them a room because I can. And we do have few rooms. So it didn’t hurt anything.
The second item kind of surprised me. She wants to set me up with a friend of hers. I said yes to this, which is totally unlike me. Generally I say no to these blind date like situations. I avoid them like the plague. But due to my possible mid life crisis thing I may or may not be going through I said yes.
That and the fact their having a party tomorrow for her brother. I’m always up for a party.