This was requested, so I figured it was about time to bring the whole harpy thing back to life. That and I got sick of seeing the default page that comes up when you click on Harpy World over on the left in the contents.
Harpy 13 is an old friend and a relative. Harpy 13 fits the description up top. That is she can be a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman. Sometimes. The other times she is a great person to know.
And I’m glad that I do know her. Harpy 13 also worked at the hotel. She was there back when I got fired. She even warned me to the fact I was going to get the ax. I of course wanted to get fired so I ignored her warning.
Her and the Hubby both were there when all kinds of shit happened. Offering advice when asked. The both of them are good people and back when the shit was going down I glad I knew them. Of course I didn’t always follow the advice that was given, but that was my fault.
So you asked for Johnson and you got it.

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