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    Wednesday January 9th 2002
    Still Here 6:47 pm-
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    I’ve been laying low. Not much going on at home or at work. Of course I’ve been off for the last four days. Tonight will be the start of my four nights on.

    I heard from one of the ladies who got fired on or around the December 31. I got the story from one of them. I’m not going to throw it up until I hear from her that I can.

    It was a very interesting read. Apparently I’m next in getting shit canned. Fuck them, fire me again. See if I care.

    Views: 934
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    One Response to ''Still Here''
    Turk says:
    January 15th, 2002 at 12:27 pm

    I wouldn’t worry about the fire-thing. If it hasn’t happened by now, it probably won’t. I hope I didn’t make a mistake the other night at our little banquet X-mas party. I just assumed that everybody knew about your website & I mentioned it. Well, all kinds of the banquet staff were said that they were going to go here. Sorry if I started something. Now, this was told to me in private so don’t mention it, at last weeks manager meeting, The GM said that he didn’t want the managers to have “cliques” The Engineer asked him what he was talking about. He said that he didn’t want the managers to form groups & just talk to each other. The Secretary asked him if he would say who he was talking about. He said that he would talk to them in private!! What a tyrant!! He has good hard-working people nervous wrecks. I know that Tom Stanley’s hands just shake when he has to deliver something to him. The lady at the unemployment office handed Melecia 2 discrimination forms when she was told the story of how we got fired. I don’t know if I should get that stuff started or not. I don’t care if you print what I say or not. But don’t put anything about that manager meeting so I can find out other stuff. That was probably a rumor about you being fired. I know one thing, you better not have an opinion around there, you will be fired. Let me know what’s going on around there!! Melecia has been working for a week at Applebee’s. I’m still weighing my options. Lora

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