Well another month is toast. Another year for that matter. I had way to much fun on New Years Eve. I got shit faced and silly. Woke up with a minor hangover. I can honestly see myself not doing this kind of thing next time.
I’m getting to old for this drinking till bar time thing. That is an act of a young person. Under twenty-five? It seems all the people that hang out at the Bop are kids. Twenty-one. I love the bar. But that crowd just doesn’t do it.
Any way I’m back to work tonight. This is the start of my four days on. My birthday also falls on my days off. I thought that was cool. I know this because I have to mark on a calendar for the FDM months in advance. The concept of working four days and then have four days off and repeat is to much for this lady.
The rumor I was told is that the entire restaurant staff was shit canned. Busboys, waitress, hostess, everybody. The new F&B and the Restaurant Manager (Heh) are working for the people they shit canned. At least they did it after christmas. And remember this is just a rumor. Can anyone be that fucking stupid? I’ll find out tonight.