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  • Tuesday January 1st 2002
    This And That 10:38 pm-
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    Well another month is toast. Another year for that matter. I had way to much fun on New Years Eve. I got shit faced and silly. Woke up with a minor hangover. I can honestly see myself not doing this kind of thing next time.

    I’m getting to old for this drinking till bar time thing. That is an act of a young person. Under twenty-five? It seems all the people that hang out at the Bop are kids. Twenty-one. I love the bar. But that crowd just doesn’t do it.

    Any way I’m back to work tonight. This is the start of my four days on. My birthday also falls on my days off. I thought that was cool. I know this because I have to mark on a calendar for the FDM months in advance. The concept of working four days and then have four days off and repeat is to much for this lady.

    The rumor I was told is that the entire restaurant staff was shit canned. Busboys, waitress, hostess, everybody. The new F&B and the Restaurant Manager (Heh) are working for the people they shit canned. At least they did it after christmas. And remember this is just a rumor. Can anyone be that fucking stupid? I’ll find out tonight.

    Views: 1,010
    Wednesday January 2nd 2002
    Shit Canned 1:36 am-
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    So it wasn’t everyone in the restaurant. Just two people were shown the hatch. This is a situation that is familiar to me. No one knows the details. I don’t expect anyone will tell me the details.

    I’m going to try to get in touch with these two and try to get their story. I’m not to sure if these people will be willing to tell me the story. But if they do I’ll pop it up here.

    Views: 901
    Thursday January 3rd 2002
    Lurking 3:21 am-
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    So you get to a point in your life and you find out that some of the shit you thought had meaning turns out to be nothing. Nothing possibly but pot induced bullshit. And hey this isn’t a pot(heh he said pot)shot at anyone. It just turns that some of these ideals(?) I have in friendship doesn’t work with everyone. Shit maybe that’s life, huh?

    But it was good to hear from you. Some of my concerns were put to rest. So all it means is I have one more possible lurker. And you all know who you are. Lurkers to me are those people who visit sites and never interact with the said sites.

    Granted this site of mine isn’t the easiest to interact with. I have a habit of flaming anyone who does stop by in the GuestBook. And that’s ok. I’m a lurker on a lot of the sites I frequent. Hell I lurk on all of the sites I frequent. So as I said it’s not a big deal. That’s the way of the web.

    Views: 1,647
    More Shit Canned 7:53 am-
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    Well two more people were let go. To me this is of little importance to even mention. But the significance of these last two firings are huge. At least concerning one of them that got fired. Two managers were let go. Boo hoo. I could give two shits when a manager gets it.

    One was the Restaurant Manager and one a Sales Manager. The restaurant guy is the one that concerns me. This guy was a buddy of the acting GM. Good buds was what we at the hotel were led to believe. First let me say, I liked the dude. The Restaurant Manager was always nice enough to me. I don’t care what other people thought.

    But this is a bold move. And I like it. If “they” are willing to fire friends for fuck ups, well that speaks volumes to me. There’s none of that “I’m friends with the manager so I’ll get away with murder” shit here. And that’s the way it should be. This is the first business end of things I’ve been impressed with that “they” have done.

    This is what the hotel needs. This hotel has always been notorious for not firing people when they should have. Employee’s used to think “I can fuck off and get away with it”. Well not no more. Does this sound pro “them”? Maybe. This kind of no nonsense attitude is needed to dig us out of the hole were in.

    On the other hand does this scare me? The fact “they” are so trigger happy to shit can people should scare me? Well it doesn’t. The fact remains I do my job. Well I do my job as well as I’m able for the pay and hours I get. That’s all I can promise. I need a raise and more hours to get me to partly play the company man. And that is all I can promise.

    Views: 1,057
    Star Trek Geek 9:07 am-
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    I haven’t talked about computer games in a long while. Lots of other bullshit was on my mind and taking up my time. So this kind of post is overdue.

    Here is a game I’ve been watching for a while. Star Trek Bridge Commander and I have to say it looks pretty cool. Go and check out some of the Screen Shots they have at the site. Here’s the blurb off of the website:

    “…the first space simulation set in the Next Generation universe that truly puts you in command of your own Starfleet starship and crew.”

    And from the screen shots and movies they have for show it looks like this could be the first game to do that. Forget those pathetic Starfleet Academy games. If you dig Star Trek and like PC games then you have to check this game out.

    Views: 1,188
    Wednesday January 9th 2002
    Still Here 6:47 pm-
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    I’ve been laying low. Not much going on at home or at work. Of course I’ve been off for the last four days. Tonight will be the start of my four nights on.

    I heard from one of the ladies who got fired on or around the December 31. I got the story from one of them. I’m not going to throw it up until I hear from her that I can.

    It was a very interesting read. Apparently I’m next in getting shit canned. Fuck them, fire me again. See if I care.

    Views: 978
    Thursday January 10th 2002
    New Poll 1:51 am-
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    It’s a new Poll up over there on the right. Just in case your the kind of person who needs this kind of thing spelled out to you. Are you?

    Anyway go and vote on the subject Should I Get Fired Again? Stick it to me if you feel like it. If you have problems with the Poll here a few words of advice. Make sure cookies are enabled. I ain’t getting personal data from you. This poll script uses cookies to block repeat votes.

    Like it matters huh folks? Go and vote in the Poll as I’ve tired of pimping it.

    Views: 1,525
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